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Displaying 3526-3550 of 7805 results.
Shadow has made mistakes with Rouge all his life... And he has a devious plan to make up for it! Based on The "Nightmare Before Christmas." Very funny story! Some spelling errors, though. Enjoy!
english class creates a dark mood
My fan character Aryii finally comes back to konoha and she bumps into her old friend Amaya.
Since FictionPress is down...I'll put this up here. ;) It's a story I wrote today because I was reading a biography of Rommel (one of many on my shelves) and started feeling depressed...Rommel is so cool.
i wrote this because josh aka fatty i really like him but i never had a chance way out of my league but it turns out he does like me and he asked me out i'm so happy
A magic short story about love I wrote last year for a contest!!! plz read it and give me your opinion!!
Naruto and Hinata.a couple but this dosent only revolve around them
A Naruto Quiz Game to see how whell you know the Naruto characters!

Please Comment!
A love taken by accident, a love not meant to be. Forming unknown, but it happens, and erupts. Will it succeed or with it fail?
Basically, Kyubi-Chan and me had the idea at first, then Wescravendevon gave me ideas for characters, so special praise for them! ^___^

Have fun.
The naruto people (genin) get pulled into the real world! find out what happens!
Fast-Forward 25 years. Dictorial King and a masochistic queen. The original group of Freedom Fighers are still around, but now their kids take the more active rolls, trying to save Mobius from the clutches of the Evil king. 'Takin "Future" fan chars
These are poems that I wrote a couple of weeks ago, and I decided to put them up here because they have no were else to be. Please comment!
Aay and Patrick have been married eight months, and yet danger kees on coming their way. Someone from Aay's past shows up, and this time, Aay's life will be in danger. What a way to ruin the Christmas season!
This is a fan fic based off my Character, Cheery. This shows his origins, and how he was made. This is also getting mods, like Lambda Experiment II, Opposing Force (HL Much? ), and many more. :D
 Read this, you might agree.
Somthin i wrote a while ago to vent anger
ever wondered if your obsessed with fullmetal alchemist? ever? heres the chance to find out. if you get more than 90% then youre thoroughly obsessed and need to have a payrise.
Is it just me or is Naruto getting Soap Opera-y?
ya a Christmas fic. so you know there are a few new shipping's in this one.
new things:
and a special couple
hey I re submitted it because A: there were so many spelling mistakes B: it didn't appear in my gallery anyway I fixed the spelling errors. it's slow at the start then again I did it at 6:30 in the morning
i did this when i was bored, this doesnt makes any sense
this is the first part of my fan fiction called broken you have to read it its freaking awsome any way i havent finished it yet lol lol lol lol so hope ya enjoy bye bye ~~
THIS IS YAOI! royed. please comment, its my first one on fma, and i wanna know how i did.