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Displaying 3626-3650 of 7805 results.
Ok This a story about B.A.S. xD
To go to tokyo to see Malon xD
And going to meet the bladebreakers XD

Watch out somtimes there is some bad English
Yeah, kinda weird I think. Tell me what you think.

All of the gods in here are totally made up and I do not believe they exist.
Feraldo is Time chronicler from the VERY distant future. Though time is already foreseen and recorded in The Book of Future, it leaves the universe open to change, and details being missed. Feraldo's job is to record the details of the past and future not recorded in The Book. Though his secondary task is to preserve events destined to happen without making a large impression on history.
His current mission however, will lead to personal a personal loss, and a responsibility greater than any other Time Chronicler ever known.
Family drama and the like *blah blah blah*
Zoro's evil younger sister Kaidala has joined up with the Straw Hat pirates, though after a discovery by our favourite hentai dog Nami she may be more than just an evil personality. Has Luffy unwillingly accepted a murderer into his crew, and what evidence did Nami and Robin uncover that would make Kaidala try and kill them? Meanwhile, what the hell is happening to Sanji, why isn't he fawning over the women like usual? Something is defiantly going wrong here, and the plot is thickening as the find out who Kaidala really works for.
my 19 story on fan art well it another luigi story not as good as luigi mansion 2 but it one of my best story
I know people are probably wondering why my username is such an abstract thing as kittyshootingstar. Well the story was a bit long to put on my profile (plus at the time I put this up a glitch kept me from updating my profile), so here it is. This is a short, one-shot story, sooooooo... If you are curious, or bored or something, you can read this.
...Yes, the prose is terrible, and though it rhymes once in a blue moon, it is not the best. However, I must say this:

The kids in my normal English class are stupid beyond all reason. Last week, we covered BRAINSTORMING. BRAINSTORMING, for god's sake. It took a lot of reserve not to kill myself right then and there. I can take ignorance as long as ignorance tries to learn, but when ignorance is ignorant and refuses to do anything, I get angry. And veeery frustrated.

But: there is a bright side. I finally got my schedule straightened out to GT (in all technicality it's Honors--they just put GT on the title to make the kids feel special) English, and my class only has ten people, so it's awl gud. Huzzah.

Well, ladies and gentlemen: enjoy "The Land of Idiots". I think it will ring true to our lives.
errrrrrrrrrrr peple luv to be annoyed!!!!!!
sing it!:D trust me,if you read this,you WILL fave this! i got the first part from somewhere and i finished it, so whoever made it up please dont flame me for anything
Funny story! Sasuke gets amnesia and everyone takes advantage of it.

PLEEZ be nice and comment! This is only my second fanfic!:)
The real reason why none of the original characters are in Yu-Gi-Oh! GX. It happened one fateful, stormy night, at St Katharine's school, England, when a group of friends were watching Yu-Gi-Oh. They never imagined that the events of that night would change their lives, forever.
A short Horror/Fantasy story about a girl named Dorothy and her three friends, Mark, Taylor, and Sarah. They enter a library that is so called "Abandoned" late one night to check it out. Together they have to face great dangers.
The start of my new series, "And the Moral of the Story is..." (M.o.t.s. for short if you wish)

It is a collection of short comedy pieces that end with a moral that you never saw coming.


Its a song...i guess...i dunno, its a poem that could be....idk screw it just screw it -.-
One-shot. Rin has been feeling down lately and doesn't know why. Will Sesshomaru and some chocolates Kagome sent her help her to feel better? Read and find out. R&R Please
Takes place after Dawn of Sorrow. Soma discovers time travel and ends up on the Titanic! Will he be able to save lives while trying to stay alive himself?
My friend wanted me to tell her a story. Now I tell it to you.
the charecters and there theme songs
Just another story hahaha
SEQUEL TO IRIS. After her mamodo sacrifices its chance to be king by bringing Sherry Belmont back to life, Selina searches for Brago with the girl. After finding the mamodo, Selina stays with them, much to the demon’s dislike. However, they find her useful for moral and physical support during battles- and for a friend outside of them. Little do they know, she has a perfect reason to travel with them- revenge on a certain mamodo.
Meh. Here's the story we did about the 'Fools' picture I sumbited. Uh, me, lili and Dearly_Beloved wrote this when we were bored at my birthday party last year.

I hope they don't get mad at me for posting this... xD There is, actually, an other part to this. But I don't have it on me. :p
this is what you should read when you have nothing better to do. it used to be parodies of reality but that wasnt funny so i changed it....:T :P
Death can be a harsh thing...
haha! this i just write down randomly while doing a another chapter for "Ravedrus" i thought it was funny so i decided to put it on by it's self lol any one who's a fan of Boston legal may find it funny (hopefully)