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Displaying 7601-7625 of 7870 results.
Gol and Maia are evil, true... but how did they become that way...? I need to do art for this. ~_~
a wish nto come true
yet another poem about my beloved Lestat de Lioncourt.
a short poem story thing about lestat
this is a story ive been writing forever, and it has all the stories of the ancient elements and how they were all destroyed and how they have now came back to recent times to get revenge on the one who killed them.
ummm don't know how 2 explain it u have 2 see 4 yr self i guess
read this and hopefully it will catch your intrest to talk to me....just read and you'll undersatnd
Basically what I'm doing is taking a song I've heard and Matching it with a character from a show. Don't let my crappy Desc. stop you from reading.
A leather bound book with all my poems in it.
This is basically a story about what the sonic cast would say if they were drunk. I only wrote it to fool around with my new pens but I deciced to post it here anyway.Alaa is my fan charachter.
Find out some secrets on YuGiOh characters
This is another short story that i wrote for the plurlist contest, except this one was for this year. Oh, i won for this one too. ^_^
This is a story i wrote like, last year or something. Its a fantasy story.
a little fan ficcy i have had playing in my mind for over 3 yeah i thought i would give it a go.
What would happen if Sephiroth survived after the final battle? What would happen if the planet forsaw it and unleashed the Master Weapon? This is my take on Sephiroth's past.
something ive been working on. gotta work on it more. some of it sounds crappy.
i don't know what the title should be?please comment?
The vast story that folows the life of a crinos wolf and how he has to go through making up for his mistakes!!!Inspired by Julia of The Wolves and Balto!!!lol
i was bored so i picked up a pen and started writing and this was result
a story of a girl cakiyoko and freya a drogoness and Kiyoko's adventure to learn about her past
A Short story I wrot one mornign when I was bored... yeah...

Please coment!
A short folk tale that I made up the other day.
a wonder of our dreams
Here's a describtion of a carecter of mine. He needs a name, so I'm putting it up to see what names you people can come up with. Please read it, it's not long, and try to think of a name! I also need smeone to draw him, email me if you are interested
a poetic cry for help