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Displaying 1926-1950 of 7802 results.
Read it, love it, or hate it. Choice is yours.
This is the first intentional poem taht rhymes that I have written that isn't on accident or for school.
well this is about when i lost my best friend (guy friend) and he was also my crush..i miss him so much but i'm happy with the boyfriend i have now
My opinion is that when things are real, they're better finds that fanfics. So when I found my second grade school journal the other day, I thought that it was pretty funny.
So this is how it all starts...They'll be more of these...I'm jumping around though, writing whatever scene comes to mind first, so they'll jump around a lot. I'll try to keep them in order, but spoilers are ahead. Click with caution.
just a digimon OC story,
hope you like it.
Another Yugioh and Family guy crossover I think this one Is the best
Optismit versus pessimist. Enough said...
This is a story about me and my friend.
these are my charecters tht i made up and some of the fairy tale charecters like little red and bo peep and tom thumb and susch!^^
If I have enough People Joining then I will Make this story but if not then I Guess this story will just sit in my gallery Chapter less -.-

This Is a part I used from Elfen Lied for Nikyk and Chazz
My new Yugioh and Family guy crossover
Sometimes, people can feel sorry about themselves, but then they realize that they didn't do anything wrong...
Sum: Kimiko (my OC), abandons her group. However she meets up with five new, cartoon "misfits". Can they work together and save Kimiko's friends' old worlds? Rated T for gore, language, and that stuff.
These are the many adventures of my Oringal comic book charecters, Supreme Team X! The members include Dash, Katie, Sarina, and Tyson!
This is a song I wrote a few days ago. It's Into the West from LOTR rewritten.
I know there short storys but hope u like
he changing but into what?
Well, I figured that since Christmas as coming up, I'd transfigure a few well-known (and not well-known) Christmas songs into Naruto-related thingies. So...this was the result...yeah...I'm not quite sure about the
Well Christmas is comming but 4 those who dont celebrate it i wanted to do a haiku poem about Winter!!!!
plz coment!!!
This is just my view on the corporate world and how screwed it friggin is, therefore messing up all of us in return...
The Fan Art Central 12 days of christmas!
This is whut gaara did before he became a nija
 . . . . thought of ranDUMBly. . . original title was ways to get yourself killed, but I don't think I would want to have that for a title. . . . .