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Zusammen Beginnen Wir

Kay and her friends transfer to Domino High School together and meet future rivals, enemies, friends, and romances. How do they adjust?

Pairings (Hinted at for the series)




Chapter 1 - Domino High Transfers
Submitted: March 3, 2007 • Updated: May 27, 2007
Word count: 2475 • Size: 13k • Comments: 8 • views: 493

Chapter 2 - A Surprise Visitor
Submitted: March 11, 2007 • Updated: April 20, 2007
Word count: 1288 • Size: 6k • Comments: 8 • views: 453

Chapter 3 - Meeting Mokuba
Submitted: April 1, 2007 • Updated: April 1, 2007
Word count: 1489 • Size: 8k • Comments: 4 • views: 428

Chapter 4 - New Friends
Submitted: April 22, 2007 • Updated: April 22, 2007
Word count: 1309 • Size: 6k • Comments: 14 • views: 461

Chapter 5 - Pizza Party
Submitted: May 8, 2007 • Updated: May 10, 2007
Word count: 1194 • Size: 6k • Comments: 15 • views: 402

Chapter 6 - Curiousity
Submitted: May 19, 2007 • Updated: May 22, 2007
Word count: 2256 • Size: 11k • Comments: 10 • views: 438

Chapter 7 - Writing Songs and a job offer
Submitted: May 27, 2007 • Updated: May 27, 2007
Word count: 937 • Size: 4k • Comments: 10 • views: 474


Comments (95)

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setokaibaslittlesis on July 22, 2007, 10:40:47 AM

setokaibaslittlesis on (Chapter: 6)
setokaibaslittlesis-is so very jealous of people being put in story(ies)-

KionaKina on July 22, 2007, 12:40:19 PM

KionaKina on (Chapter: 6)
KionaKinaO_O Wow, really? I started this story before I knew oyu, actually. Please don't get offended

setokaibaslittlesis on July 23, 2007, 5:50:55 AM

setokaibaslittlesis on (Chapter: index)
setokaibaslittlesisHaha. No offense at all! And I didn't mean "DANGIT PUT MY IN YOUR STORY!!" *sweat drops* I just love to read stories with other charries in it. They make me smile. =) I tend to make odd comments that make people think I'm HINTING at something, and, more often than not, I am not. I like the story. Going off to the next one! Oh wait, before I forget. In my story, is KeikoxAki-Chan (the dog) all right?

KionaKina on July 23, 2007, 7:32:10 AM

KionaKina on (Chapter: index)
KionaKinauhhhhh,sure. I don't care how you pair her up, really. ^^

setokaibaslittlesis on July 23, 2007, 7:36:34 AM

setokaibaslittlesis on (Chapter: index)

setokaibaslittlesis on July 22, 2007, 10:19:11 AM

setokaibaslittlesis on (Chapter: 2)
setokaibaslittlesisHi There ^^

KionaKina on July 22, 2007, 12:39:53 PM

KionaKina on (Chapter: 2)

KhaoticWolf on June 14, 2007, 12:59:43 PM

KhaoticWolf on (Chapter: 7)
KhaoticWolfI love this story.

KionaKina on June 15, 2007, 1:40:31 AM

KionaKina on (Chapter: 7)
KionaKinaand I'm happy you do

KhaoticWolf on June 14, 2007, 12:48:52 PM

KhaoticWolf on (Chapter: 5)
KhaoticWolfYay! Nice chapter. Yay Khaos is in it! WEEE!

KionaKina on June 15, 2007, 1:40:21 AM

KionaKina on (Chapter: 5)
KionaKinaYES! All hail it

KhaoticWolf on June 14, 2007, 12:35:35 PM

KhaoticWolf on (Chapter: 2)
KhaoticWolfThis is some good stuff.

KionaKina on June 15, 2007, 1:40:07 AM

KionaKina on (Chapter: 2)

KhaoticWolf on June 14, 2007, 12:30:03 PM

KhaoticWolf on (Chapter: 1)
KhaoticWolfThis is nice!

KionaKina on June 15, 2007, 1:39:58 AM

KionaKina on (Chapter: 1)

PandaChan21 on May 28, 2007, 11:33:39 PM

PandaChan21 on (Chapter: 7)
PandaChan21That...was hilarious! Now I'm wondering when I come in. Oh, next story.

Oranga, see if you can anything that ryhmes

KionaKina on May 29, 2007, 4:21:40 AM

KionaKina on (Chapter: 7)
KionaKinanothing rhymes with orange-. ..wait, DOOR HINGE!

SnowKitty on May 28, 2007, 8:36:19 AM

SnowKitty on (Chapter: 7)
SnowKittyHoorah for yet another chappie! Congrats to you!

KionaKina on May 28, 2007, 8:37:04 AM

KionaKina on (Chapter: 7)
KionaKinahuzzah, Ki-Chan!

Moon_Princess on May 28, 2007, 4:46:45 AM

Moon_Princess on (Chapter: 7)
Moon_PrincessYayyy!!! Great chappie!!! =D *claps*
I'm sure the next story will be awesome!! x3 (well...since I read it last night and forgot to comment, I already KNOW it's awesome! XD)


KionaKina on May 28, 2007, 4:48:24 AM

KionaKina on (Chapter: 7)
KionaKina*bows* thank you very much, Cat-Chan

PunkWolfGirl on May 27, 2007, 5:35:46 PM

PunkWolfGirl on (Chapter: index)
PunkWolfGirlToegther We Begin, Huh? Nice Name! :D

KionaKina on May 27, 2007, 10:52:23 PM

KionaKina on (Chapter: index)
KionaKinathank you

WingedSheep on May 27, 2007, 5:09:38 AM

WingedSheep on (Chapter: 7)
WingedSheepwooow! xD
amazing! i can't wait till next chapie ^^
yay! xD *bows*

KionaKina on May 27, 2007, 5:12:39 AM

KionaKina on (Chapter: 7)
KionaKinaum, this story is over too. The next story is already posted, though. It's got a weird Otalian title

WingedSheep on May 27, 2007, 5:19:39 AM

WingedSheep on (Chapter: index)
WingedSheep... xD
yep... I'm a bit lost y'know... and very tired -.-'
oh well... ^^

KionaKina on May 27, 2007, 5:20:24 AM

KionaKina on (Chapter: index)

WingedSheep on May 27, 2007, 5:24:32 AM

WingedSheep on (Chapter: index)
WingedSheepyep xD

SnowKitty on May 20, 2007, 10:02:44 AM

SnowKitty on (Chapter: 6)
SnowKittyYay for an update! There are so many things I like in this chappie. Where do I start? Let's see. . . there's the gum thing, the Kay and Kaiba fights, there's skittles ruling the world, and there's the dating advice. I think I covered everything. Well, great update!

KionaKina on May 20, 2007, 10:54:43 AM

KionaKina on (Chapter: 6)
KionaKinaaw, you're so sweet, Kristen ^^

AlleyCat17 on May 20, 2007, 1:33:09 AM

AlleyCat17 on (Chapter: 6)
AlleyCat17great chapter and very funny what happened to that girl and i would so kill
kaiba for that.more chapters please.

KionaKina on May 20, 2007, 1:36:31 AM

KionaKina on (Chapter: 6)
KionaKinathanks so much. ^^ I'll update as soon as I can

Dukesboyfriendandhusband on May 19, 2007, 1:48:32 PM

Dukesboyfriendandhusband on (Chapter: 6)
Comment Deleted

KionaKina on May 19, 2007, 11:27:27 PM

KionaKina on (Chapter: 6)
KionaKinathanks Tiffany

Moon_Princess on May 19, 2007, 1:31:43 PM

Moon_Princess on (Chapter: 6)
Moon_PrincessYay! *sing-song voice* New chappie! New chappieee!! ^_^

I loved it!!! ^0^ *dances*

Update soon, M'kay? ^_^


KionaKina on May 19, 2007, 11:27:15 PM

KionaKina on (Chapter: 6)
KionaKinaI will try

Kouni46892742 on May 19, 2007, 10:47:47 AM

Kouni46892742 on (Chapter: index)
Kouni46892742What happened to the description? Half of the couples dissapeared...including mine!

KionaKina on May 19, 2007, 10:50:46 AM

KionaKina on (Chapter: index)
KionaKinaI don't know what couples I'm gonna put in THIS fic and the next one, so I'm only gonna write them when they appear. Yours is not coming yet because of a character named Bri who needs to come in and temporarily be Honda's crush and then you come in and he falls in love with you. I forgot about that and I remembered it today

Kouni46892742 on May 19, 2007, 10:52:29 AM

Kouni46892742 on (Chapter: index)
Kouni46892742Oh're starting another story?

KionaKina on May 19, 2007, 10:54:18 AM

KionaKina on (Chapter: index)
KionaKinaZusammen Beginnen Wir is one out of a series of stories involving Kay and her friends. Zusammen Beginnen Wir is an introduction to the first main characters, the exchange students Kay, Alex, Deni, Maria, and Kristen.

AlleyCat17 on May 16, 2007, 7:02:17 AM

AlleyCat17 on (Chapter: 5)
AlleyCat17wow great chapter i loved it so much :3

KionaKina on May 16, 2007, 8:35:00 AM

KionaKina on (Chapter: 5)
KionaKinathank you ^^

SnowKitty on May 14, 2007, 11:38:11 PM

SnowKitty on (Chapter: 5)
SnowKittyHoorah! You finished it! Pizza is so AWESOME! I have no other comments at this time.

KionaKina on May 15, 2007, 7:58:57 AM

KionaKina on (Chapter: 5)
KionaKinathank you, Ki-Chan. I'm so happy you like it

jackie4ever on May 14, 2007, 8:57:59 AM

jackie4ever on (Chapter: 5)
jackie4evernice =D

KionaKina on May 14, 2007, 12:15:40 PM

KionaKina on (Chapter: 5)
KionaKinathank you very much

Moon_Princess on May 11, 2007, 7:22:05 AM

Moon_Princess on (Chapter: 5)
Moon_PrincessYaaaaaaaaayyyY!!!! x3
Yami-kun was in there! Whee! :D

Great (full) chapter! I loved it!! ^.^ *thumbs up*

Update soon, m'kay?


KionaKina on May 11, 2007, 8:24:14 AM

KionaKina on (Chapter: 5)
KionaKinajaja, Cat-Chan. That's a cute little facey. ^^ I like that one, tis awesome

Dukesboyfriendandhusband on May 8, 2007, 5:14:07 AM

Dukesboyfriendandhusband on (Chapter: 5)
Comment Deleted

KionaKina on May 8, 2007, 8:27:44 AM

KionaKina on (Chapter: 5)
KionaKinayeah. You're either ocming in this story, or the story after this one. I have not decided yet

InferiorKart on May 8, 2007, 7:58:12 AM

InferiorKart on (Chapter: 5)
InferiorKartThe story is getting better and better.

KionaKina on May 8, 2007, 8:27:19 AM

KionaKina on (Chapter: 5)
KionaKinayeah and my chapter is not even finished yet

Kouni46892742 on May 8, 2007, 7:02:02 AM

Kouni46892742 on (Chapter: index)
Kouni46892742Wow! Really good so far!! (when do i come in?)

KionaKina on May 8, 2007, 8:27:04 AM

KionaKina on (Chapter: index)
KionaKinaI think you're coming in eithe rthe next chappie or the chappie after that

Moon_Princess on May 8, 2007, 6:43:06 AM

Moon_Princess on (Chapter: index)
Moon_PrincessYAY! Another chapter!! *does a dance* LOVE IT! ^-^
Update soon, M'kay? =D


KionaKina on May 8, 2007, 8:26:26 AM

KionaKina on (Chapter: index)
KionaKinayes,m I actually need to finish the chappie

ranphasetokelly on May 8, 2007, 4:21:12 AM

ranphasetokelly on (Chapter: 5)

Fatal_dreamer on April 27, 2007, 12:37:04 PM

Fatal_dreamer on (Chapter: 4)
Fatal_dreamerO.O...which story am i dsupposed to be in im lost but coolio stori!!!!!

KionaKina on April 28, 2007, 1:14:20 AM

KionaKina on (Chapter: 4)
KionaKinaI dunno. We'll see. Zusammen Beginnen Wir is really just the opening. Lord knows when all of the firend swill magically appear

Dukesboyfriendandhusband on April 23, 2007, 11:52:07 AM

Dukesboyfriendandhusband on (Chapter: index)
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KionaKina on April 23, 2007, 11:54:42 AM

KionaKina on (Chapter: index)

Dukesboyfriendandhusband on April 23, 2007, 11:34:32 AM

Dukesboyfriendandhusband on (Chapter: index)
Comment Deleted

KionaKina on April 23, 2007, 11:35:33 AM

KionaKina on (Chapter: index)
KionaKinaHe's already in love with you!

Dukesboyfriendandhusband on April 23, 2007, 11:22:57 AM

Dukesboyfriendandhusband on (Chapter: 4)
Comment Deleted

KionaKina on April 23, 2007, 11:24:29 AM

KionaKina on (Chapter: 4)
KionaKinathat's cool

Dukesboyfriendandhusband on April 23, 2007, 11:15:53 AM

Dukesboyfriendandhusband on (Chapter: 4)
Comment Deleted

KionaKina on April 23, 2007, 11:18:20 AM

KionaKina on (Chapter: 4)
KionaKinawoman, you're not a new student. I already drew you in a panel in my comic with Duke. You're glimpsed at in a panel

jackie4ever on April 22, 2007, 9:49:53 PM

jackie4ever on (Chapter: 4)
jackie4evernice^^ i love ddr super nova thoughXD

KionaKina on April 22, 2007, 11:42:38 PM

KionaKina on (Chapter: 4)
KionaKinaoh, yeah that friggin rocks

Dukesboyfriendandhusband on April 22, 2007, 8:18:17 PM

Dukesboyfriendandhusband on (Chapter: 4)
Comment Deleted

KionaKina on April 22, 2007, 11:42:17 PM

KionaKina on (Chapter: 4)
KionaKinaI don't know...I know you're in a panel with Duke for...some reason

Not sure when to put you in there, though. I'll think about it. If you have an idea...TELL ME WHAT THE HELL IT IS!

Moon_Princess on April 22, 2007, 12:12:40 PM

Moon_Princess on (Chapter: 4)
Moon_PrincessWheeeeee!! Awesome chapter Kay-chan! ^_^
I'm looking forward to the next update. :D


KionaKina on April 22, 2007, 12:14:15 PM

KionaKina on (Chapter: 4)

InferiorKart on April 22, 2007, 12:06:51 PM

InferiorKart on (Chapter: 4)
InferiorKartNice story XD

KionaKina on April 22, 2007, 12:07:43 PM

KionaKina on (Chapter: 4)
KionaKinathanketh you

jackie4ever on April 22, 2007, 10:05:33 AM

jackie4ever on (Chapter: 1)

KionaKina on April 22, 2007, 10:20:19 AM

KionaKina on (Chapter: 1)
KionaKinalike it? Yay

Moon_Princess on April 1, 2007, 1:58:46 PM

Moon_Princess on (Chapter: 3)
Moon_PrincessYay! There was an update! :D

Love it! ^.^


KionaKina on April 1, 2007, 10:15:34 PM

KionaKina on (Chapter: 3)
KionaKinahuzzah ^^

InferiorKart on April 1, 2007, 8:22:37 AM

InferiorKart on (Chapter: 3)
InferiorKartKeep up the good work.

KionaKina on April 1, 2007, 9:58:19 AM

KionaKina on (Chapter: 3)

eriepilot44 on March 12, 2007, 8:32:28 AM

eriepilot44 on (Chapter: 2)
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KionaKina on March 12, 2007, 8:37:39 AM

KionaKina on (Chapter: 2)
Comment Deleted

eriepilot44 on March 12, 2007, 8:38:52 AM

eriepilot44 on (Chapter: index)
eriepilot44they r the most awesomest thing uve ever done 4 me and i love u so much now and uve totaly made my already fantastic day that much better!!!!!!!!!!!1

InferiorKart on March 11, 2007, 1:09:49 PM

InferiorKart on (Chapter: 2)
InferiorKartNice chapter.

KionaKina on March 12, 2007, 12:28:47 AM

KionaKina on (Chapter: 2)
KionaKinathank you very much

eriepilot44 on March 3, 2007, 5:04:01 AM

eriepilot44 on (Chapter: 1)
Comment Deleted

KionaKina on March 3, 2007, 5:05:18 AM

KionaKina on (Chapter: 1)'s always about you and Joey, isn't it? *Sweatdrop* You are so boy-crazy

eriepilot44 on March 3, 2007, 5:34:36 AM

eriepilot44 on (Chapter: index)
Comment Deleted

KionaKina on March 3, 2007, 5:43:24 AM

KionaKina on (Chapter: index)
KionaKinano. ~Sigh~ You're weird Amanda, and your Avatar is creepy looking

InferiorKart on March 3, 2007, 4:39:41 AM

InferiorKart on (Chapter: 1)
InferiorKartCool story.

KionaKina on March 3, 2007, 4:40:21 AM

KionaKina on (Chapter: 1)