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Angels In Our Life...

just a few random short stories that i kinda liked and my friends stole from me -curse them- and read to the people in the resturaunt.... they liked them really... and actually asked for copies i was really happy... and yet embarrassed....-.-"



Chapter 1 - Forgotten Angel
Submitted: November 1, 2007 • Updated: November 1, 2007
Word count: 195 • Size: 1k • Comments: 10 • views: 199

Chapter 2 - Death Angel
Submitted: December 24, 2007 • Updated: December 24, 2007
Word count: 176 • Size: <1k • Comments: 5 • views: 143


Comments (33)

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xkaitlyn25x on March 30, 2008, 3:31:57 AM

xkaitlyn25x on (Chapter: 2)
xkaitlyn25xi really love this poem! do you think i can post them on myspace to show some of my friend's? i think they would love it!^-^

xkaitlyn25x on January 6, 2008, 5:57:33 AM

xkaitlyn25x on (Chapter: index)
xkaitlyn25xthat is sad.... it is really good though...

FreezingRain on December 29, 2007, 9:52:07 AM

FreezingRain on (Chapter: 2)
FreezingRainAwww thats so cute, poor little kid.

sorrowfulsoul on December 31, 2007, 1:32:48 AM

sorrowfulsoul on (Chapter: 2)

sorrowfulsoul on December 24, 2007, 4:52:39 AM

sorrowfulsoul on (Chapter: 2)
sorrowfulsoulya i thought of this while i prayed with the nurses when a small child passed on , he did so with a smile knowing his loved ones are waiting in heaven for him, it was truly sad but i was happy knowing he was at peace.-.-
that happened a while back though, he was atleast 8 i believe.

xkaitlyn25x on November 26, 2007, 7:06:15 AM

xkaitlyn25x on (Chapter: index)
xkaitlyn25xhmmmm i like this too much add more!!!XD

sorrowfulsoul on November 1, 2007, 8:02:04 AM

sorrowfulsoul on (Chapter: 1)
sorrowfulsoulya.... emotional this is how feel sometimes.... just not a girl!!!!>_< sorry but you gotta say it's kinda okay..... it's sad though i thought of my parents and i almost felt like crying but i am older noe and need to act like a man.... even though sometimes i just want to cry for hours... but i have to hold it in........ is that unhealthy cause i gotta know...

FreezingRain on November 16, 2007, 9:54:57 PM

FreezingRain on (Chapter: 1)
FreezingRainyeah it's unhealthy, but so is reading or drawing when you have a head ache or taking at least one ibuprfen(or however you spell it, i'd have to find the bottle)a week durring the summer. so yeah alot a things in this world are unhealthy. O an i'm doing a sience fair project on stress and i shal know what your problem is mwahaha!

myartmaybebadbutatleastitry on November 3, 2007, 3:44:33 AM

myartmaybebadbutatleastitry on (Chapter: 1)
myartmaybebadbutatleastitryIt is unhealthy, but I do the same thing.

sorrowfulsoul on November 3, 2007, 11:54:56 AM

sorrowfulsoul on (Chapter: index)
sorrowfulsoularg..... thanx.....

Phoenex360Gorillaz on November 2, 2007, 9:05:56 AM

Phoenex360Gorillaz on (Chapter: 1)
Phoenex360GorillazWows. This is really good, but you should work on your sentance formatting. Mix it up a bit, you know? And a few too many dots. ^.^ Other than that it was completely wonderful! Please update if you add more to this story; it would make a great plot point.

sorrowfulsoul on November 16, 2007, 8:57:34 AM

sorrowfulsoul on (Chapter: 1)
sorrowfulsouldots are cool and fun!!!!^________^ ................................................

sorrowfulsoul on November 3, 2007, 1:27:25 AM

sorrowfulsoul on (Chapter: 1)
sorrowfulsoulheeee thanx... iknow my retarded computer wouldn't let me back space...-_-' i like dot!!!!XD

FreezingRain on November 3, 2007, 7:15:28 AM

FreezingRain on (Chapter: index)
FreezingRainThe story is really good

FreezingRain on November 3, 2007, 7:18:53 AM

FreezingRain on (Chapter: index)
FreezingRainYay for stories, spellchecker, and cake, sorry that was random, i know

FreezingRain on November 4, 2007, 10:25:23 AM

FreezingRain on (Chapter: index)
FreezingRainoh and i forgot rolly chairs!!! How could i forget those!?

sorrowfulsoul on November 8, 2007, 6:48:31 AM

sorrowfulsoul on (Chapter: index)
sorrowfulsoulyes!!!! rolly chairs are terrific!!! o and sandwiches and big beda that hurt when you fall out of em!!!!!XD

FreezingRain on November 9, 2007, 7:24:11 AM

FreezingRain on (Chapter: index)
FreezingRainYes, exept i don't fall out of my bed. But the best thing in the world (in my opinion, sorry people get mad if i don't say that) is closing your eyes while you spin around in circles YOU DON'T GET DIZZY!!! it's amazing. i learned that by spinning around the hall at school, i must have looked like such an idiot! *o* 

sorrowfulsoul on November 16, 2007, 8:50:49 AM

sorrowfulsoul on (Chapter: index)
sorrowfulsoulha! thats fun i did that at school too and my principal rocks and starts doin it with me!!! it was creepy but he is funny!!!XD alot o my friends did it too!!=]

Phoenex360Gorillaz on November 16, 2007, 11:36:57 AM

Phoenex360Gorillaz on (Chapter: index)
Phoenex360GorillazXD He did that with you? If our principal saw you doing that he'd put you in detention! XP

sorrowfulsoul on November 26, 2007, 6:14:35 AM

sorrowfulsoul on (Chapter: index)
sorrowfulsoulor possibly a mental institute!=]

FreezingRain on December 6, 2007, 6:19:44 AM

FreezingRain on (Chapter: index)
FreezingRainhaha, no, he'd lecture us about having pride for our school, not that anyone does. they told us that if we wore blue or orange to a basketball game we'd get in for free, its kinda sad that they have to do that just to get some people to watch a basketball game.yeah our school colors are blue and orange( the same as the color of the words) our school is really wierd, i heard they painted the boy's bathroom orange [/color !

FreezingRain on December 6, 2007, 6:11:02 AM

FreezingRain on (Chapter: index)
FreezingRainyup he sure would, he got mad at me for taking the long way back to study hall so i could go to my locker, its almost the same really but most people go the other way.

sorrowfulsoul on November 3, 2007, 11:56:00 AM

sorrowfulsoul on (Chapter: index)
sorrowfulsoulha ha !!!!!!XD

myartmaybebadbutatleastitry on November 3, 2007, 3:43:55 AM

myartmaybebadbutatleastitry on (Chapter: 1)
myartmaybebadbutatleastitryThat is really good ^_^ I lurv it!

sorrowfulsoul on November 3, 2007, 11:55:28 AM

sorrowfulsoul on (Chapter: 1)