Name: Ana
Lives in: Pueblo Colorado (hate this town LOVE this state)
Age: 19 soon to be 20
Music choice: David Bowie!!! I love him he is amazing period. But aside from him I LOVE Blue October, recently ive gotten into Ska.
Favorite Animal: Cats I adore cats but i also love dogs pretty much anything exp. for mice and rats.
Favorite shows: I watch family guy, as told by giner, The Nanny, Will and Grace, Reba, Charm school, Daisy of love, Phines and Ferb, Sunny with a Chance, Ghost Hunters, and a few more ill name later.
Fav. Anime: Fruits Basket, Hellsing Ova, Death Note, Rozen maiden,Le Portrait de Petit Cossette, Cowboy Bebop. I have more ill also name these later
Drawing skills?: None lol. So if you can draw I might have a request for you
Interests: I love singing, writing poems and short storys, hanging with friends, and nancy drew.
Why I joined: I originaly joined to post my fan fiction I made back when I was 14. Now I just like to go around and see the gorgeous art. Maybe someday ill finish my fan fic who knows :)[/color]Religion?:Atheist and Proud :D!
Hobbys: I love singing, watching movies, playing games, listening to music, and just having fun.
Piercings I have: In all I have now 14. But in all ive had about 27 piercings. :D
Tattoos?: None yet im saving up and needing someone to draw it out.
What else?: I like meeting new people so if you want just talk to me!
Dislikes: people talking down to me, Drama, ungreatful people, being stood up, falling for the wrong guy constantly.
Likes: friends, Family, Kittens, dogs,...Life :)
Song of the week:
"Flip-flop, Im the new bod dick with punani and let you fall fast tick tock, who'll been on top feed the fun box, control the cyclops"
If you know this song youre my friend :D