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Submitted June 4, 2010 Updated June 4, 2010 Status Incomplete Chapters: 1 Size: 3k Words: 575 Comments: 1 Views: 1,818 Faves: 0 Rating: 0 | After the death of Organisation 13, a new dark power emerges. The Order of Darkness have appeared from the depths and are now bringing chaos to the worlds. Will Sora and the others overcome this new threat?
Games » - by Publisher » Square-Enix » Kingdom Hearts series |
Yeah, I was in a really bad mood. I'd planned to ask out this girl at the Star Trek convention I went to in August (She was a very, VERY nice version of Seven of Nine, right down to the jumpsuit which leaves little to the imagination). I was kind of hemming and hawing about getting in a picture with her (Why would I want my ugly mug ruining a perfect shot of a babe?), but then she told me in a dead-on Seven impression that 'You will comply'.
Worked on my delivery, then never saw her again. If she hadn't been in a hurry the first time...
Think i've cursed myself by writing about Yuji so much? lol.
Well, I can follow anyway. I really have been meaning to play KH. And FF, too, for that matter.