Heya, my name is Katie/Manning for any one who doesn't already know that. My profile picture is me at my Aunt's wedding.
Hokay, my real name is Katie but hardly anyone calls me that except my family, but they don't count. General informationwise: I am 16, my birthday is on the 21st March and I was born in 1990 Prince of Wales Hospital Sha Tin (sp?), Hong Kong. Lived there for almost 9 years and then moved to freezing cold England where my parents used to live. Yeah, as you can see I am not Chinese, neither are my parents, it is just Hong Kong is a cool place to live and no one actually believes it when you tell them that you lived there ^^
Okies, nicknames. Everyone asks for them in email quizzes, so now I will put them here for y'all, plan and simple, so I can just copy and paste them into emails. And they are: Katharine, Katie, Kate, Manning, Moo, Manny Moo, Moo-la-belle, Lou-la-belle, sl~aaaag (brother's)
and the names given to me by Nemya: Scummy, Crummy, Scumbag, Scum, Idiot, Toe, Toefest, Oy you, Mister and probably more but I'm too tired to think of any more.
I do have a few characters, and I will probably miss some of them out but thats because I am not perfect:
Gilthoniel- lotr
Feeder- Xmen
Cho- Fruits Basket
Kaede- Yugioh
Sephy (it might vary when I get around to writing it)- potc (hahaha Nemya is Elizabeth Swan not because I forced her to be but because she chose to be, thus proving her love for Orli Bloom)
Ebony-Harry Potter
Um, and I think I might have some other random characters that don't really fit in with anything, most of them all have the same name because it is my favourite name at the moment......whatever.
Anyways, hmmm, what to say. Well, I like Fruits Basket, Yu-gi-oh, Inu-yasha, Chobits and a couple of other mangas. I love Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter as well.
Um, I like lots of random stuff, lots of animals, anything pink, shopping, going to kendo with my friends (4th Kyu!!!!), hanging around with my friends in general, email quizzes, quizzes about my characters in general (most of whom seem to have black hair, which I have only just realised o.O), mangas, animes, writing story, sometimes drawing, love reading in general, HAPPY TREE FRIENDS ^^, funny stuff on the internet, um, yeah, and other stuff.
Don't like really random stuff, like insects. Okay, I can deal with some insects like bees and butterflies (Cho means butterfly ^^), but I just cannot STAND craneflies or spiders (yes, spiders aren't insects, I do know this), OR COCKROACHES! They just make me feel physically sick ew ew ew! This is a very old dislike (when we lived in Hong Kong we had cockroaches inhabiting our bathroom cupboard *throws up at memory* and my brother picked up one of the cockroaches and put it into my room when I was sleeping and it flew onto my face *shudders*) I also really don't like being alone in the dark, probably because I watch so many horror films. But I am running out of pet hates, so will just continue with this, just to annoy anyone who is reading.
MUSIC! I love rocky music and anything with a guitar and drums. I love: Green Day, Less Than Jake, Freefaller, My Chemical Romance, Blink-182 (still can't believe they spilt up), Feeder, U2, Razorlight, The Killers, Bloc Party, Simple Plan, James Blunt, Athlete, REM, The Darkness, Rooster, Foo Fighters, Stereophonics, Placebo, Queen, Kaiser Chiefs, Coldplay, and many other people who I have forgotten and cannot remember but like anyway.
I have several mates on here, pink_lettuce_leaf, Nemya, Eoara, lanathae, Tillyenna and Nueme, all of whom are amazing at drawing and storywriting, yeah, and generally just better than me at everything! >__>
Um, I do draw (occasionally) but mostly I write fanfics. I may even do requests, not that anyone would WANT a request done by me. But yeah, if you ever seriously want a picture just ask, I will do my best to try and draw it. Or if you want a character in my story ask and email my details (physical, emotional, love realationships etc) and I will TRY to put them into my story, or I might forget, in which case I am a horrible failure and deserve to be flogged. I have forgotten to include one of my friends in my lotrs story and she got SOOOOOOOO mad, particularly as I was in her story and had like a whole chapter to myself *blushes*. Yes, but I do try, and she is in my other story so its all good ^^
Okay, well, I suppose you are bored now so I will give up this attempt to make a nice biography and go and do something useful, no idea what that might be though. Anyways, thanks for taking the time to read, however rubbish it is ^^
Hey hey, now have decided to make a sort of a journal thing. So here goes, it won't be updated every day, as I am so lazy. Well, yeah, it will just be extremely random:
March 24th:
Have sex
Buy a lottery ticket
Get married in Scotland or with my parent's consent
and probably a whole lot of other stuff. Who knows what other delights are in store for me now.
Okies, in 7 days and 2 hours I'll be leaving my school at 2 in the morning to go to Greece for 8 days! I can't wait! We're going to have so much fun, all those of you who go to my school! It'll be so awesome!
And in 18 days I'm gonna go see Less Than Jake live in Plymouth! How cool is that?! They are totally like the best band ever!
Oh, it's more like March 25th now. Oh well, I'm actually not tired at all. Hey, it's a Friday, who cares.
Well, I think that's a good journal entry. Bye dudes (or whoever is bored enough to actually read this >