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i_luv_jin's Profile

i_luv_jin's Profile
i_luv_jin's avatar
Username i_luv_jin Gender Female
Date Joined Location UK
Last Updated Occupation Student
Last visit # Pictures 317
# Comments Given1462

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i_luv_jin's picture
My name is Rachel, I am 19, and I love anime/manga. I am in my second year of a 3 year degree in media at university and I hate it. I'm living in York which is possibly the most boring city in the world. I also have the worst housemates in the world who are, at this moment, obstructing my view of Rave Master >:( My favourite anime changes every now and again. At the minute it's Gravitation. I just love Ryuichi Sakuma ^_^ schmoo!! Saiyuki is another of my favourites though, that was my first manga collection. I love Gojyo and Sanzo. I tend to like really anti social moody characters, they're definately the best when they have an attitude.
I generally hate people. Every now and again I will find someone I like but generally people just piss me off. Anime is my world and I stay in my own little world for as long as I possibly can. I love tattoos too. I have 5 one of which is Sora from Kingdom Hearts. It's an amazing game!
I love TV too. Well I suppose I should considering that I'm doing a film and TV production course. However the course is crap and I'm slowly giving up on that whole idea. Haven't got a clue what I want to do really *sigh* still...
I don't do boyfriends either. I did once, before I decided that they're just too much bother. I never get on well enough with people. I do like playing practical jokes on people though. Especially my crappy housemates!
Oh and I love the words POO and SOUP, oh and HIDEOUS! I say them all the time. YAY!! xxx


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Comments (454)

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kiya on February 27, 2005, 3:46:42 AM

kiya on
kiyaHi Rach, sorry for the comment about Kai having a spongy head, it was to get wolf back for calling Hiro a boring goody goody and then saying that Tanni's brother, Rowan, put Oregano in Hiro's fags, making him very ill. Even though I don't show it, I'm actually quite a big Kai fan, so I didn't mean it! I'm glad you like your pic, I was scared that it looked bugger all like Kai. I've put another one of Kai up on here too, I hope it makes you giggle, and there will be a chibi one up either tomorrow or tuesday, and when you look at it, I hope it makes you giggle as much as what it made me as I drew it, think 'bunny ears' and you'll probably get it!!!

kiya on February 26, 2005, 5:12:01 PM

kiya on
kiyaYay, your pic is finally up! Is called 'Safe in my arms', I hope you like it!

kiya on February 26, 2005, 2:54:21 AM

kiya on
kiyaIt's so cool that you're doin film studies, I'm plannin on doin Creative Writing and Film Studies as a Joint Honours degree at Glousecter Uni with WolfBlue (Except she's doin illustration with animation) and we're gonna work as one bloody strong team doing anime films and proper films too, is that what you're planning on doing? x

WolfBlue on February 26, 2005, 2:36:14 AM

WolfBlue on
WolfBlueHello, just to say, that name for your team is FABTASTIC! it is well dudey. and thanx 4 puttin me on ur fave artists list, i am so honoured! *does small honoured dance* will put up more pix when...i can be arsed.

kiya on February 25, 2005, 11:58:45 PM

kiya on
kiyaHey, I didn't have to do ,my welsh exam after all, yay! WolfBlue sez hi, she is so obsessed with Kai, it's unbelievable! I've put up 3 new pix on the site, so check em out, your request is called 'Safe in my arms', I hope it's ok, it's the first time I've drawn Kai properly so I hope the pic looks some what close to Kai. My oc is on my pic called 'My Immortal', and she will be on another pic that I'm putting up tomoz, so I hope they're alright for reference. thanx x

WolfBlue on February 25, 2005, 1:31:11 AM

WolfBlue on
WolfBlueHey, is me here. i luv ur pix, and ur gonna b da first artist i put on my faves list! u shud b well honoured! I agree with Ki, it's tough being the only one in school who likes Beyblade. i was real lucky i found Ki, someone i could rant on to about Kai (who is bloody gorgeous) without getting weird looks in return. (Well, i say that, but her face is kinda weird anyway, so...Gah! don't hit me, Ki!)

kiya on February 24, 2005, 10:36:59 PM

kiya on
kiyaYeah, I know how you feel, the only one that likes Beyblade and other manga stuff apart from me is WolfBlue, who is my best friend, even though we are as sarcastic as hell to each other! I can't tell my other friends that I fancy Hiro because people look at you weird and like you're a freak. Sometimes I don't care because I pride myself in being different, but the look I got when someone asked me what my worst nightmare was, it really hurt me because I replied 'to wake up one morning and find I am normal', people just don't understand, but oh well. I'm happy in my world with Hiro so screw the rest of the world! xx

kiya on February 24, 2005, 10:16:18 PM

kiya on
kiyaI am sat in one of many computer rooms on fanart central. I have a welsh oral exam next and I can't even remember what is the first line! I hope I can just sit quiet and get away with it... I've had some snow, but not enough to close the school. Bugger. I really love Hiro, I don't go to the extent of saying that Hiro is mine and getting into fights about it, but I really like him!!!!

kiya on February 24, 2005, 10:03:33 PM

kiya on
kiyaHey, will send you a pic of my character, who is called Kiya, when I am next on e mail. I'm in school at the mo, very boring but never mind. Ye will love to do pic of Charlie and Kai, I've got nuthin else to do. Just out of interest, did you used to fancy Jin of the Gale? I take it you like Kai now, not my type. I am totally obsessed with Hiro, I love him to pieces!!!! ^___^ xx

AquaPaint on February 22, 2005, 2:01:32 PM

AquaPaint on
AquaPaintthanks for the comment and fav



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