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Recent Stories by Favorite Authors

Displaying 1-15 of 15 results.
Can you love and hate someone at the same time? When Kagome meets a man over the internet and begins to fall in love with him, she doesn’t know that she hates him in real life, when she finds out who he is, will love or hatred prevail?
Detective Brown is a hilarious low-time detective thats about to uncover a big time case! the Gold Digger is the first of many in the series
These are ten reasons you might be obsessed with Anime
When kikyo thinks that kagome has come between her and Inuyasha, she kidnaps kagome and it up to inuyasha to choose between his dead love, or his future with kagome
Inuyasha knows he has feeling for Kagome.
But will he ever be abel to show them to her? It doesnt help that they have been kidnapped be an demond and koga, the wolf demond that loves kagome, must save them...
this kinda the jist of whats stiring up in me, cant explain it though. oh well, hope ya'll like it.
every thing here is all true, cuse of my son-of-a-dog cousin, Sean >_< DRAGONS I HATE HIM! and i heard that his life aint going so well X) as it says though, I'm broken...
heh i was bored (what else is new) but i like it >^-^< its 'sposed ta be
some-what up lifting. comment if u please.
dedicated to the San Diego fires...that are destroying my home town
again, dont ask.
...dont ask...
i thought of this during Spanish class...THATS probly why im failing ^-^"
but i like it, it turned out a lot better than i thought it would. im kinda trying to make it into a song ^-^"
i was bored in math class (u cant learn any thing in the class i was in anyways)
if i messed up my wording, sry, but im not that good at English
its kind like whats going on in side me