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Stratadrake's Profile

Stratadrake's Profile
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Username Stratadrake Gender Male
Date Joined Location The place of Cheez, Treez, & Ocean Breeze
Last Updated Occupation
Last visit # Pictures 200
# Comments Given2498

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Got Bugs?

Before reporting a bug in FAC, PLEASE read the following first to check that it isn't one we already know about. Otherwise, please "rtfm" (but in a nice way):

>> Known Issues and Bug Reports -- as of Friday, Nov.13, 2009.

>> Bugs Fixed - Nov.13, 2009


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LonelyFallenSpirit12 on January 24, 2007, 5:52:51 AM

LonelyFallenSpirit12 on
LonelyFallenSpirit12,.....................i dont understand ur kinda talk aka (nerd talk)

LonelyFallenSpirit12 on January 23, 2007, 5:46:03 AM

LonelyFallenSpirit12 on
LonelyFallenSpirit12Y O U D O N T M A K E A N Y S E N C E!!!!!!!! and if u WANT me to tick you off,...i will i have WAYS!!!! i can annoy some one in less then 15 seconds flat no matter WHAT age i do it to my teachers ALL the time!!!!!!!!!!!!! and plz dont talk ll thet technical crap cuz i DONT UNDERSTAND IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! use a language called ENGLISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stratadrake on January 23, 2007, 9:22:58 PM

Stratadrake on
StratadrakeYou don't know what it takes to tick me off, and you're still far from succeeding. My point was quite simple: If you are having a problem on one account, did you even try to use the forums or support e-mail to ask for help, or did you just sign up for a second (third, fourth, etc.) account thinking that it might somehow "solve" the problem? And when it happened a second time, why did you not ask for help?

The login bug is a strange one, I suppose most of us have run across it at one point or another, but it continues to affect only a very few members. In most cases it simply appears, and then disappears again.

If the bug appeared more consistently then we'd be better able to figure out exactly what causes it. But it occurs so rarely (from the big picture, at least) that we haven't been able to establish a pattern of its behavior or how to fix it.

The most reliable solution we've been able to figure out (which is not a 100% solution, but still) is that clearing out your Internet browser's cookies seems to help.

flying_Jone on January 22, 2007, 9:32:01 PM

flying_Jone on
flying_Jonehello!! how are you?

mickey_da_silver_Rayqaza on January 21, 2007, 6:55:08 AM

mickey_da_silver_Rayqaza on
mickey_da_silver_RayqazaI was just wondering, is there any way to delete a account? Ive been thinking of making a new one...

Stratadrake on January 21, 2007, 9:19:12 PM

Stratadrake on
StratadrakeInstructions for requesting a deletion can be found on the "[url=contact.php]Contact us[/url]" page.

mickey_da_silver_Rayqaza on January 23, 2007, 6:38:48 AM

mickey_da_silver_Rayqaza on
mickey_da_silver_Rayqazakk. thanks. ^_^

LonelyFallenSpirit12 on January 21, 2007, 6:19:26 AM

LonelyFallenSpirit12 on
LonelyFallenSpirit12didnt ppl ever tell u that girls fight a lot? well, one of them plus take it from my dad he says 12 yr old girls r the worst to fight with cuz THEY ALWAYS WIN!!! NO MATTER WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111 ok and i dont know what would be MY fault when its YOUR fault 4SAYING its my fault WHEN ITS "N O T!" look im not gonna sit here and argue about it ok if u fix it ill leave u alone 4 like,....ever but ya know if u dont then this WILL continue!

Stratadrake on January 21, 2007, 9:18:19 PM

Stratadrake on
StratadrakeWell, for starters, don't try to tick me off -- it won't work. I'm just over twice your age (although I don't expect that to mean anything).

When someone is having login-related trouble, first turn to the forums. The forums use a different login protocol (same name + password, just different code on the server-side) and generally do not suffer login-related issues as the mainsite does. Then you can use the forums to get help.

Failing that, FAC does have an e-mail address you can send to, it is .

You are by no means the first person to have login problems, this bug seems to go back almost as far as FAC itself, and sadly, you probably won't be the last either.

LonelyFallenSpirit12 on January 21, 2007, 6:14:15 AM

LonelyFallenSpirit12 on
LonelyFallenSpirit12i dont understand big words and HOW THE HECK IS IT MY FAUL AND HOW THE HECK AM I SUPPOSED TO REPORT IT IF I CANT SIGN ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????? IT IS SURE AS HECK NOT MY FAULT!!!!!!!!! no im not getting error messages but like i sad i cant really everget on i have to sneak on the computer just to see what crao u have to say! WHICH DOESNT HELP ME IN ANY MANNOR!!!!

hipeople on January 21, 2007, 3:55:36 AM

hipeople on
hipeopleI know this is probably the stupidiest question ever,but how do you report an art theif?

Stratadrake on January 21, 2007, 5:05:20 AM

Stratadrake on
StratadrakeBasically, you need to inform a site staff member directly and privately. This can be accomplished via e-mail or PM (private message).

Additionally, site admins (such as myself) have access to a log of deleted comments or pictures, so you could also give me the URL to the suspected picture/user in a profile comment, reload the page and then delete (hide) the comment so as not to attract unwanted attention.

hipeople on January 21, 2007, 5:13:28 AM

hipeople on

hipeople on January 21, 2007, 5:09:14 AM

hipeople on
hipeopleSo,basically,I just need to PM the picture's URL to you?



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