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Displaying 2376-2400 of 7802 results.
What would happen if, at the last final battle between Voldemort and Harry, there was a crazed fangirl...
HP oneshot
Came up with this at 5am this morning, hence why it's a tad on the crap side. *twitch*
I like to write in first person, can you tell? XD
P.S: Sorry about any errors.  ^^;

All characters, locations etc (c) me (Amy)
This isn't a story in itself, just the nuts and bolts of a story I'm working on. I'm putting this out to see what you think, so by all means comment! Sorry if it's hard to read or confusing- I hadn't originally meant this to be posted.
After The Battle of the Nexes,All Nown Scouts Disapeared,Now 5 New Scouts will Face The Nexes and try 2 Save the Old Scouts By Useing the Silver Crystal,But ONLY A Air 2 the Moon Can Command Full Power Of the Crystal.Can They Defeat the Negaverse?READ ON!
You have always never been able to find a husband...what happens when inuyasha comes into your life.(you+inu)
^_^ i realy love the outsiders... so i am writing my own ^_^ hope you like it ^_^

this is a story about a vampire named Roxanne
read to find out what it is about, believe me its really good, please read and comment! if there's something i should change or add in the next chapter please tell!
the Titans meet an interesting girl.... find out what happens!
*note: if you like teen titans, are a fan of mine or both, this is a must read!
A poem from Link's point of veiw. Its about how he misses her. please Read and reveiw.
srry for the lame name. but here it is. my best works yet. I need 2 more dragon oc so if ya wanna be in it just ask!
This story is about my OC Masako.
Before she moved she lived in a small village.

I add oc's if u ask! no sonic charactor X ur charactor sorry! I will take (oc)X(oc)
Sisters Jazmyn and Joisan are torn out of their 'normal' world and thrown into chaos when someone finds out they were part of the 'angel' experiment that started almost 20 years ago.
My first attempt at writing Michael Jackson Fan Fiction. It was just an idea I had and this is the first chapter. A girl's wish comes true when she realizes she is on her way to meet the King of Pop.
This is my fantasy story about the day that Vikkilla Rosilla leader of the Candillas wreaked havok in my school. You might want to know that a Canadilla is a fleah eating alien. She had a machine that turns people into Garbitrons
Threw back in the past they have no idea what happened but you will soon see,
10 ways to make Kairi cry *evil laugh* not being mean or anything but i hate Kairi i wish she will die!

if you are kairi fan then don't read this it will make you mad. just warning you

but most of all enjoy ^.^
One-shot...stuff. Poems, drabbles, whatever. Just, a place to put my stuff when it shouldn't go anywhere else.
Inuyahs and Kagome are 2 half demons but Kagome has the ability of the 4elements.
(read 2 find out wat happens plz.)
Well.... I just became a teenager and I thought I should wrote a story about being a teen.
A story about a girl who gets brought from the real world, into the pokemon world. Placed in the Henna Region, see gallery pictures for details.
Hey, everyone. This is the profile of my Kokiri character from Legend of Zelda: The Legion Hero, a Zelda-themed Role Playing board that I Co-Administrate. You can follow her continuing adventures there.
A dictator with a blankie? Anakin Skywalker in a Naruto story? (Wha...?) A pebble for a country? These can only be the antics of Miharu, the dictator of the entire WORLD!