manga_rules's Profile
manga_rules's Profile

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Last Updated | Occupation | student 8D but soon going to college O_O | |
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:3 I don't come on here much anymore BUT you can find my gallery right here
I'm on there a lot! <3 theres even a competition going on!!!!!!!!!
I'm on there a lot! <3 theres even a competition going on!!!!!!!!!
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kamatari17 on November 13, 2007, 7:59:39 AM
kamatari17 on
kamatari17 on November 12, 2007, 5:43:17 AM
kamatari17 on

Lloyd: *turns into a chibi teacher* Goth are a species derived from the punk culture... hey I suddenly feel like the proffesor... oO;
Eva: *takes the looly giggling then eyes widen seeing all the candy he has* O.O ... THAT'S A LOT!!! OoO;
Me: I wont... HISSY FITS FOREVER!!! 8D *huggles you and little Felix then blinks looking at big Lyon and Ruby* ... *looks at the little ones and jumps around squaling* ZOMFG JUST LIKE THE BABIES! 8D!
Diego: Yeah you do! o.o One might even think you're her twin sister and not her daughter really!
Raphael: *raises brow* You were born into a royal family also?
Lyon: O///////////////////////////////////////////////O ...
Rosa: No, no it's all right... ^^; I have the habbit of dressing people up... I guess I see them as dolls at times O_O; dear he doesn't brush his hair, but it's so long, wouldn't it get really tangled? *sees Felix horns and eyes widen* ... he has horns like my little sister too.
kamatari17 on November 11, 2007, 3:29:27 PM
kamatari17 on

Lloyd: So do I OwO you get candy for dressing up! 8D I like it more than I love pinatas! I mean beating up something and getting candy is sweet!!! Ah you see... *puts on glasses and a white coat taking out a chart with a picture of Squall on it* This is a goth Colette, quite special creatures if I do say so myself... (XD haha I don't think they do but lloyd knows somehow... I'm telling you Wikipedia is the bible!)
Eva: ok... LOLLY!!! OwO *looks at it sparkly eyed*
Coyote: heh she'll work for candy... *shakes head*
Me: *huggles you and little Felix* But I can't take it easy... OTHERWISE IT WOULDN'T BE ME IT WOULD BE LIVING A LIE AAAAAAH!!! *shuts up* ... ok I guess I do need to calm down on my sudden hissy fits... *sigh*
Raphael: *has a giant arrow above his head reading "Prince of Frelia, Renais and Demons* ... *looks up and kicks the arrow away* What was that doing there? oO;
Diego: Yeah she does look like her! *takes out a random photo of you and shows it to sasori* See? ... if you're asking how I got these... Peter Parker (aka Eva) took 'em >.> ...
Lyon: Ok then *smiles taking her hand on instinct yet again and walks over to you and I, then gets surprised by my sudden tantrum* o.o ... are you ok...?
Rosa: O_O; sounds like a heavy sleeper... ^^; he reminds me of my brother Lyon in a way... only his case would be with food. *hangs head muttering* and he always embarasses me when we eat in public...
kamatari17 on November 11, 2007, 9:30:18 AM
kamatari17 on

Lloyd: I know... ;w;... HEY!!! Why don't we found our own dark side Colette! WE could have all the good stuff the bad guys have, like the powers and clothes but now be really bad... more like... *grins* Mysterious! 8D and we can get dressed up all Gothy!!! It would be Halloween forever! X3
Eva: ;w; but why does it hurt so much... *tries to poke Coyote and Kalas there*
Coyote: *backs off* WHOA! Don't go around touching people there stupid! *smacks her on the back of the head* Curiousity killed the cat! Do that to another guy and you might end up being pregnant!
Eva: *rubs the back of her head wincing* TwT Why do you always have to hit me on the head!? ... and how can I get pregnant for doing that? o.o
Me: *huggles back* I see... no wonder my head hurts! T.T *touches it* I have two little lumps on it... *sniff* ok I'll let him have a look. ;w;
Raphael: I believe her name is Hazel-
Diego: *gasps and whacks Raphael* Don't be so vulgar. It's Miss Hazel to you! Tsk... I thought you had more manners being from royalty and all. But yes, Miss Hazel would be your mother I belive, you look a lot like her!
Lyon: Yeah, we'll watch over them together. *smiles blushing a little* Want to go see what they're up to?
Rosa: Anyone would appreciate a warm bed really ^^; lets take him quick before he wakes up all grouchy.
kamatari17 on November 10, 2007, 12:32:24 PM
kamatari17 on

Lloyd: So do I!!! It's like Star Wars the Jedi had cool powers but the Sith had even cooler stuff!!! T__T sometimes it makes you want to join the Dark side of the force...
Eva: o.o are you sure... it looked like that hurt a lot!!!
Coyote: It does... *winces standing normally now* never hit a man there unless it's for self defense...
Me: o.o ... my son... from the future? I really can't remember, I'm sure I was passed out or something *frowns* ... my memory is too fuzzy Hazey, I can't remember anything.
Raphael: Well yes that would be her... why don't you say hi?
Raphael: ...
Lyon: Hahaha yeah ^////////^ ... *cough* it looks like out mothers are ok now.. *frowns* but I'm worried about my father... he's not himself anymore.
Rosa: It's ok... and thanks Kiba I will and if you need to talk I'm here too ok? ... *looks at Felix* Should we take him to a Hotel? I don't think the floor is the most comfortable place to sleep on.
kamatari17 on November 10, 2007, 5:23:51 AM
kamatari17 on

Lloyd: BELIEVE IT!!! 8D
Coyote: NO SH*T!!! >___< *getting up slowly*
Me: *stops running and looks at you* He's not...? *blinks* But he was grabbing me when I was asleep... he has to be some weird type of pervert!!!
Eva: ;w; *looks at Kalas* Can you heal Fluffy... it looks like her got a bubu on his dinky...
Coyote: WTF!?!?! O__O; HELL NO!!!
Raphael: *sees you run off* ... i think that would be your mother you two...
Lyon: haha yeah we have that in common ^///////^
Rosa: You're welcome... I-I'm sorry... *looks down* It's not that I think youre a bad person or anything, but it's kind of hard for me to be around other men still, I hope you can understand Kiba.
kamatari17 on November 9, 2007, 5:53:03 AM
kamatari17 on

Lloyd: So would I, it would be so cool! 83
Coyote: Ey... *frowns* Stay still... *grabs me by the shoulders looking at me in the eyes worried*
Me: *falls on knees still holding head then eyes widen turning brown again* ... *looks up at Coyote and screams* AAAAAAH DON'T TOUCH ME YOU PERVERT!!! *kicks him in the crothc and runs away* THERE'S A RAPIST LOOSE HELP!!! D8
Coyote: MY F*CK*NG B*LLS!!! >__< *falls on knees holding his crotch and hisses* WHAT THE F*CK WAS THAT FOR!?
Eva: *frowns* I'm sorry to hear that... I was separted from my mama at a young age. I never knew what really happened to her... then my papa took care of me untill I was four. *smiles a little* but it's great you guys are able to meet her for the first time! ^___^ *sees me kicking coyote in the crotch* NU SHE HIT FLUFFY IN THE DINKY!!! ;O; FLUFFY ARE YOU OK!?
Lyon: I guess we all have hyper relatives. *laughs blcshing a little and scratches the back of his head nervously*
Raphael: ... preach it. -__-
Rosa: *wipes her eyes a little and walks over to Kiba* it's fine I wont cry if you promise not to cry too... just cheer up please? Don't think you're a mistake Kiba/ *offers him a tissue*
kamatari17 on November 8, 2007, 2:34:34 PM
kamatari17 on

Lloyd: It's awesome you don't need medicine to heal! It's like his blood is the medicine!!!
Me: *keeps ticking baby Felix and smiles at him* No it's nothing re- *eyes widen and hangs head giving you the baby* ... ugh no-not now... Ephraim is still nearby idiot!!! *puts both hands on the sides of my head walking away from everyone*
Coyote: *looks at you frowning with the cigarette in his mouth* ... fine I'll ask you later. *looks at me and follows me outside* What's wrong with you...?
Eva: o.o this is the first time you meet your parents?
Raphael: They're in that office...
Lyon: No it's all right, I have a hyper younger sister also. *takes her arm getting up* ^/////^ thank you!
Rosa: Listen you're not a mistake... *frowns* If you want to know what a mistake is that woold be lowering your head and letting other people treat you like some type of merchandise! That's a mistake! *gritting teeth getting teary eyed*
kamatari17 on November 8, 2007, 7:03:05 AM
kamatari17 on

Lloyd: OoO HOW DID YOU DO THAT!? And it's okay mom at least you're better now.
Coyote: I did... and bah it's nothing just don't get hurt again. *takes out a cigarette and starts smoking*
Me: Thanks for helping her.. and sissy take it easy ok?
*looks at little Felix* He's happy now Hazey and he looks healthy too. *looks ta presea* mY head still hurts but it's nothing I can't handle... *thinks: I'm going to switch back to that crazy hyper idiot... T_T*
Eva: See big bro! We found them! ^w^ Come on get up so we can go back to everyone!
Lyon: ... I would if you got off me Eva. T__T why do you have to tackle me like that? *moving Eva off himself and getting up* OoO; RUBY ARE YOU OK!?
Raphael: well everyone is reunited it seems...
Diego: *wakes up* ... huh... my head hurts... T_T
Rosa: You're right I don't know your father but I'm pretty sure you're not like him. So please don't be so upset...
kamatari17 on November 7, 2007, 12:48:41 PM
kamatari17 on

Lloyd: You're joking right...? O_O;
Coyote: *frowns* I'm not... and it doesn't hurt. This can't kill or hurt me. *puts his left hand over the cut and squeezes* This will close up soon.
Me: *tickles Felix a little* It looks like your mama is better now... Hazey how do you feel? Does it still hurt?
Eva: Oki then *smiles* Let's hurry and get to your office Dr Hyper. *runs off and sees Lyon and Ruby* OwO BIG BROTHER!!! *running towards Lyon at bullet speed rugby tackling him* WE FOUND THEM! ^W^
Raphael: It's no problem... we should just hurry and get to your siblings... oh it appears Eva found them already.
Lyon: O/////O But still it was impulsive on my par- AAAH!!! *knocked over by his hyperactive sister* EVAAAAAAAA!!!! T//////////////////////T *thinks: why do you have to embrass me in front of miss Ruby!*
Rosa: "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me" ... maybe you should put that phrase to use Kiba. I don't think it matters how a person is concieved, it's how that person grows up what counts. And you're not a bad man so don't be upset about anything your brother tells you, ok?
Lloyd: *takes off his coat and glasses* O.O I don't know, but I hope she's not here or she might lecture us again. *shudders*
Diego: *remembers Kratos* Aye he does look like your dad, you guys really look like your parents!
Raphael: Oh so that's what makes you all royalty then.
Rosa: I see... mm... I'd suggest cutting his hair if he doesn't like to brush it but that might only make him really mad... and I see... I have a younger sister who also has them... she isn't always violent but when she's mad... *frowns* ... anyway let's just pick up Felix and put him in bed* *tries picking him up carefully*