manga_rules's Profile
manga_rules's Profile

Username | manga_rules | Gender | Female |
Date Joined | Location | London | |
Last Updated | Occupation | student 8D but soon going to college O_O | |
Last visit | # Pictures | 293 | |
# Comments Given | 5060 |
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:3 I don't come on here much anymore BUT you can find my gallery right here
I'm on there a lot! <3 theres even a competition going on!!!!!!!!!
I'm on there a lot! <3 theres even a competition going on!!!!!!!!!
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Zenshii on December 10, 2007, 7:52:09 AM
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Zenshii on December 9, 2007, 5:39:59 AM
Zenshii on
kamatari17 on December 5, 2007, 3:20:02 PM
kamatari17 on

Lloyd: It's nothing really ^////^; ... I'll ask- err... tell you later. Hey Colette, why don't we go to the shopping area and get some souveneirs? *hugs her*
Eva: Wow... *o* I love this place it's so cool!!! It's... HUGE!!! ... I feel even smaller suddenly... ^^;
Coyote: Stronger than this Kratos... *grumbles with cigarette dangling from his mouth* ... he's still a p*ssy... just grab him by the n*ts and make him whistle if he tries something again... and stop hanging your head like that!!!
Me: ... Look... sometimes... life gives us obstacles that we need to jump. Right now we're going through one so we're a little upset over it. ok? *huggles them* But no worries things will be better soon. You'll see. *smiles*
Zelos: *eyes widen and hugs Ruby* Whoa take it easy little jewel, do you honestly think that I would harm such a pretty little thing like you?
Lyon: *pulls Zelos off Ruby then pushes him away* Leave her alone, you're only scaring her imbecile... *glaring at Zelos murderously*
Joshua: Funny combo? Hmm... I wouldn't call it funny at all, you were born that way and that's it.
Jordan: True... but hey it's probably a blast being part dragon and angel, you get to do all kinds of things! Like flying and you must be strong!
Joshua: Yeah, if someone looks at you funny, you can simply say: "WUT U LOOKIN' AT DOUCHE BAG!?" and kick their butts!!! ^__^
Rosa: Aaaaw, *laughs a little* Do you have any idea where she might be hanging out?
Raphael: How about we try the beach... I have a hunch she might be there... or she might eventually find us...
Diego: Wow you're rather talkative suddenly. o_o
Raphael: ...
Isabel: ... Just take me with you...? are you saying you might have to simply fling me over your shoulder and take me with our group by force? *laughs and stands up crossing her arms* Listen I can't see but I can defend myself so I'll be ok... and... thank you for helping me out Kiba. It was very kind of you... *smiles sadly then walks off*
kamatari17 on December 4, 2007, 2:28:41 PM
kamatari17 on

Lloyd: *kisses her again smiling and blushes slightly* Hey Colette... wo- ... ah forget it ^/////^; *rubs the back of his head*
Coyote: No problem... just don't be so upset anymore and kick that guys @$$. *frowns*
Me: You sure sissy? *looks at the kids* ... aaah that... *frowns*
Lyon: *smiles* Hey Ruby would yo-
Zelos: *wraps an arm around her* Would you like joining me to dinner my little jewel? YOu don't have to apologize and I feel totally bad seeing you a little upset. *grins*
Jordan: Not human? Well you look pretty human to me.
Joshua: Aye, you look like a normal girl right now. Besides you might not be human but you're way cooler than humans, I mean you can fly! *laughs a little* My brother and I are just simple humans, we can't fly or have senses as good as yours.
Raphael: Strange... anyway I'd like to meet your sister. *frowns*
Rosa: I'm kind of curious too... come on Sasori let's look for Hope.
Isabel: Thank you Kiba... but it's ok, I'll manage on my own... plus you're here on an important mission... and well... someone like me would only slow you guys down... *frowns*
kamatari17 on December 1, 2007, 4:37:57 PM
kamatari17 on

Lloyd: *smiles boyishly hugging her close to him* And I love you too Colette. So, so MUCH!!!
Zelos: *grins walking over to Ruby* Why hello there, my beautiful little jewel.
Eva: *eyes widen seeing Kalas open the door and starts jumping around a little* OwO OH MY GOD!!!
Coyote: ... *frowns seeing you then face softens and ruffles your hair a little* Hey... stop being so damn depressed... they want to see you hurt like that. Don't give those dumbasses that pleasure.
Me: ... But still... *sighs and looks at Felix* I think he wants you to carry him now sissy... *feels little Lyon and Ruby pulling on my shirt* Eh...? What is it...? *squats in front of them*
Lyon: *smiles trying to get Ruby to show her face again* Aaaw come on why do you hide? You're so beautiful, come on out again... *hears Zelos and frowns*
Joshua: Oooh I see, haha that's pretty impresive! I don't think I've ever met anyone with that ability!
Jordan: Hahaha I see, that's awesome!
Rosa: o_o ... that description... it... sounds like...
Deigo: ... *points at Raphael then at Coyote*
Raphael: *looks confused* What...? Wait more demons here... *frowns crossing arms* Dammit... I never knew my father had more children... where are they?
Isabel: *wipes her eyeas and then looks up at Kiba smiling sadly* Ye-yes you're right... I have to be strong for my little one too. Thank you so much... for cheering me up.
Zenshii on December 1, 2007, 3:11:26 AM
Zenshii on
kamatari17 on November 30, 2007, 4:28:58 PM
kamatari17 on

Lloyd: That's right *smiles* and I'm Colette's knight!!! ^/////^ *hugs her tight and kisses her*
Zelos: *rolls eyes* Mm... ah well... at least the little jewel is still free right? *grins getting hearts in his eyes then sees Ruby talking to Lyon* Ey that punk with the wird hair is talking to my hunny! *walks over to them*
Eva: o/////o Are we here...?
Coyote: No, I would never understand that feeling since I'm not a woman... but having people abuse of you I do understand... *frowns* You don't have to take that bullsh*t from anyone understand? *sighs* You're probably just too softhearted...
Me: ... I know... *bounces Felix more* but you were left alone... that's why he hurt you... *looks down*
Lyon: *eyes widen blushing, but then pulls Ruby close hugging her, shuts eyes and kisses back slowly*
Jordan: Our scent...? Mmm... o_o maybe it's true...
JOshua: *sniffs himself* Yeah... Jordan did always smell a little worse than I do when we sweat...
Jordan: ....
Rosa: I see... mm... we don't have more realtives that we know of... but wow you guys have such a big family o_o
Diego: Yeah... O-O anyway how do these people look like?
Isabel: *still has her head down and stays quiet for a long time* ... I know... I know what I need to do... but it hurts so much... I know he's trash for playing with me... but he cut me so deep... *breaks down crying putting her hands on her head*
kamatari17 on November 30, 2007, 5:48:17 AM
kamatari17 on

Lloyd: *hugs Colette tight and kisses her cheek* That's right! ^///////^
Zelos: o_o; ... you've got to be kidding me...
Coyote: Then why don't you simply stand up to him? Get back at him for hurting you... *frowns* you're a strong woman I don't see why you can't do it.
Me: But if I would've gone with you this wouldn't have happened... *bounces Felix a little*
Lyon: *smiles boyishly and kisses her cheek* You're most welcome...
Joshua: *raises eye brow* Really? How can you tell us apart? We have the same face...
Jordan: o_o can you really tell us apart, no one can... everyone confuses us all the time.
Diego: Lucian and Hope... OoO; You have more family!?
Rosa: o_o; wow that's a lot of people ... we should try looking for them in that case
Isabel: *keeping her head lowered and hugging her legs close to her chest* But that garbage just broke my heart... *sniffles*
kamatari17 on November 29, 2007, 3:43:08 PM
kamatari17 on

Zelos: Hey what are you talking about my little angel? *huggles her*
Lloyd: HEY!!! *hisssssssssssssss* Get your hands off her!!! T_T!!!
Eva: *blushes a little and follows him* Is it far away? o/////o
Coyote: ... No problem... *frowns and starts smoking* but hey if you can fight up to me I don't see why you can't fight up to that f*ck*r... he's probably just a little p*ssy... *muttering a bunch of insults*
Me: Yuan... raped you...? *looks down and hugs you* I'm sorry... I should've gone in the room with you... *cries*
Lyon: Yes really! ^//////^ *smiles* Hey why are you upset? I think your wings are beautiful like you o//////////o
Jordan: Haha we'll see... *smiles a little
Joshua: No one has ever been able to truly tell us apart... *frowns*
Diego: Heeee... man we should go do something fun...
Rosa: *shrugs* Like what? o.o
Isabel: *at the beach cuerled up in a fetal position under a palm tree crying quietly* ...
kamatari17 on November 29, 2007, 1:35:17 PM
kamatari17 on

Zelos: Hey... when the bear is hungry he'll eat. Besides I see nothing wrong with it. I was born such a beautiful and perfect being, it's only fair I share this *looks at himself up and down* with all the lovely hunnies of the world!!! <333
Lloyd: You're so conceited T__T!!!
Eva: *clamps her mouth shut with one hand and uses the other to take his hand* ... *nods a little* mmhhmm o/////o
Coyote: *frowns and hits you on the back of the head playfully* Oh come on... you punched a fricken hole in my stomach but you couldn't fight that dumbsh*t that raped you? *sighs taking off his coat and putting it over you then offers you a cigarette* Want a smoke?
Me: *snuggles little Felix kissing his forhead* It's ok little guy... look your mama is over there. *walks over to you worried* sis... are you ok...? I heard you scream...
Joshua: Heh thanks... what's your name miss?
Jordan: I'm Jordan and that is Joshua ^^; althought you might have trouble telling us apart.
Rosa: That was funny. *laughs more then covers her mouth having a giggle fit*
Diego: XD hahaha we got her to laugh!!!
Rosa: *still giggling* Oh shut up! I do laugh!
Spike: o_o yes I am... and you are...?
Isabel: *hears his voice and walks over to them* Spike... I have to-
Spike: *eyes widen* Isabel, what are you doing here? I thought I told you to wait for me in Madrid.
Isabel: I couldn't... but there's something I have to tell you, it's very important!!! *hangs head playing with her fingers nervously* ... I... I'm pregnant Spike...
Spike: *eyes widen in horror, looks around and then takes her hand leading her into an alley* Excuse us... *once inside he slaps her hard* WHAT THE HELL!? I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU WE COULDN'T RISK HAVING CHILDREN!!! *frowns pulling his hair a little and pacing around* I'm MARRIED!!! I have a daughter already what do you want me to tell my wife!?
Isabel: *touchng her cheek then hisses hearing Spike* YOU'RE WHAT!? YOU NEVER TOLD ME THAT!!! *holding back tears*
Spike: No sh*t... I mean come on did you honestly believe I could see a future with a blind kid like you?
Isabel: *frowns biting her bottom lip and hangs head* I was just a game for you...? *slaps him hard* IS THAT ALL I WAS TO YOU!? I TRUSTED YOU AND YOU JUST PLAYED WITH ME HOW COULD YOU!? *runs off crying*