manga_rules's Profile
manga_rules's Profile

Username | manga_rules | Gender | Female |
Date Joined | Location | London | |
Last Updated | Occupation | student 8D but soon going to college O_O | |
Last visit | # Pictures | 293 | |
# Comments Given | 5060 |
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:3 I don't come on here much anymore BUT you can find my gallery right here
I'm on there a lot! <3 theres even a competition going on!!!!!!!!!
I'm on there a lot! <3 theres even a competition going on!!!!!!!!!
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Falconlobo on November 29, 2007, 12:44:15 PM
Falconlobo on
heeroxduo4ever on November 29, 2007, 10:59:26 AM
heeroxduo4ever on November 29, 2007, 8:26:27 AM
kamatari17 on November 29, 2007, 4:59:01 AM
kamatari17 on

Lloyd: Come on Zelos tell us! We're not little kids!
Zelos: *shakes head* A brother in law is the person who marries your sister... I asked to be your brother since i'm planning on dating theat beautiful little jewel... *grins looking at Ruby*
Lloyd: oooh... HEY YOU LEAVE MY LITTLE SISTER ALONE!!! >__<!!!
Eva: *blushes when he makes her shut up and nods a little* O-ok... *eyes widen and bows* AAAAHH!!! I'M SORRY I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE ROYALTY!!! ;o;!!!
Coyote: *sits up* You ok now...?
Me: *sees you and coyote* SISTAH!!! *hugs little Felix tight and jumps out the window landing on legs like a cat and springa back up running over to you* HAZEY ARE YOU OK!?!?! ;O;!!!
Lyon: *face still red* Yeah... I really feel that I like you a lot... *laughs a little* being around you makes me feel happy and so nervous at the same time... o_o oh God bless you... *sees her wings* You have such beautiful wings! *o*
Jordan: *shrugs* My brother probably didn't see your other dragon wing ^^; and yes we did steal something... but we're not going to keep it, we're taking it back were it truly belongs...
Joshua: *sits up and looks at Jordan angrily* WHY'D YOU HIT ME!?
Diego: *still talking like a girl* LIKE OH EM GEE!!! KYAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! *rolls ayes and pretends to faint*
Rosa: AAAH!! O_O *raises her arm slightly making wind watch Diego*
Diego: *tunic is lifted a little with the wind and screeches* OH MAH GAWD ROSA YOU'RE TRYING TO LOOK AT MY PANTIES YOU PERVERT!!!
Rosa: ... *drops him* -__- dork...
Isabel: It's ok... well... he's supposed to be very tall... around 6 feet tall and blonde I think... ah and he always carries a rapier around ^^;
Spike: *sees his wife and dauther walk off to the beach, smiles a little then sees Isabel and eyes widen* ... oh dammit!!! *turns around and walks away quickly*
xxRoguexx on November 28, 2007, 11:46:26 PM
xxRoguexx on
kamatari17 on November 28, 2007, 9:17:27 AM
kamatari17 on

Zelos: I'll call her my little jewel... <3 Hey Lloyd do you mind if I call you my brother-in-law?
Lloyd: Why? *confused*
Zelos: ... *sigh* you're so naive bud...
Eva: OwO I'D LOVE TO!!! CAN WE GO TO CANDY MOUTAIN PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!? *tugging on his arm and jumping around*
Coyote: *slaps you a little* ... yo wake up... *frowns pushing your stomach* ... I'm gonna have to give her mouth to mouth resucitation... *leans forward putting his lips over yours breathing and trying to revive you*
Me: *snuggles little Felix and looks around worried* shh... it's ok little guy we'll find your mama... *rubbing his back and looks out the window*
Lyon: It's ok Ruby... actually o/////////o that was also my first kiss... and... I... I like you a lot... o////////////////o
Jordan: I see, thank you miss...?
Joshua: *sits up looking around* ... *sees Mia* AAAAAAAAH!!! I DIED OMG NO!!!!
Jordan: Joshua...
Jordan: JOSHUA!!! You are not dead... why do you think that...?
Joshua: ._. ... isn't that girl the angel that will guide us to the pearly gates...? I saw her wings... SHE HAS TO BE AN ANGEL AND NOW WE'RE DEAD!!!!
Jordan: ^^; *hits Joshua on the back of the neck knocking him out* Just ignore him he's not feeling well...
Rosa: *sees Sasori and giggles* Oh yes very pretty indeed!!!
Diego: *laughs* Oh yeah dude, you're a total model... *in a girly vouce* LIKE OH EM GEE!CAN I LIKE TOTALLY HAVE YOUR AUTOGRAPH!?
Isabel: Why thanks... but I wont recognize him. *laughs a little and waves hand in front of face*
Spike: *buying some cotton candy for a little 4 year old girl and a lady* Here you go my muffuns. *smiles*
kamatari17 on November 26, 2007, 9:29:07 AM
kamatari17 on

Zelos: Ok... I'll leave the kid alone just because you asked me too my little hunny... <3 MORE PEOPLE!? YOU MEAN MORE GIRLS!!! *get's bumped into* Hey... *turns and sees older Ruby and gets hearts in eyes* What do you know, I totally am a chick magnet! *grins* Are you ok beautiful?
Lloyd: Yeah... you'll meet all our friends... oh that's older Ruby Colette was talking about btw ^^;. Hey sis you ok?
Eva: *moves hands from face slowly* Candy Mountain...? o.o I have before, how come?
Me: *looks at Felix and bounces him a little* What's wrong little guy...? *hears you scream eyes widen and runs into your room kicking the door down* HAZEY!? *looking around fro you worried*
Coyote: *seeing his wound healing little by little* ... stupid woman making a hole in my stomach... *sniffs then sees you in the sea* ... what the hell? *walks over to you and flings you over his shoulder* Yo... wake up...
Lyon: Ruby... are you ok? *looks at her worried* What's wrong? Why did you just run off like that?
Jordan: Why thank you miss! But... we don't want other people to get involved... you'd best hide.
Joshua: *unconcious* ...
Diego: Show some cheer then buddy! *hands him an ice cream cone* ^__^ Oh and one for freckles!
Rosa: T_T!!! Don't call me that! *takes an ice cream cone pouting and sees her arms getting freckles* aaw man! *puts on her giant black toga*
Isabel: Well his name is Spike... he's a man around 28 years old... oh and he's also a swordmaster. The thing is that I have something important I have to tell him... and I learned he was coming here so... I came here too... *blushes a little*
kamatari17 on November 25, 2007, 3:15:17 PM
kamatari17 on

Lloyd: *looks at little Ruby and picks her up* What's wrong little sis...? Are you afraid of Zelos?
Zelos: It has been a while my little angel. *grins moving hair away from his face then sees Lloyd carrying Ruby and eyes widen* O_O Yo Lloyd I never thought you had that fatherly thing in you... HOW IS IT POSSIBLE YOU HAVE A DAUGHTER NOW!!!
Lloyd: *bounces Ruby* She's my little sister not my daughter ^^; right Ruby, look Ruby this is Zelos. Zelos this is Ruby.
Zelos: *hearts in eyes* You're such a cute mini hunny... I can't wait for you to grow up little one... *rubs her head*
lil Lyon: *growls snapping fingers making lightning come out nearly hitting Zelos* Don't touch Ruby...
Zelos: *smirks amused* A little half-elf boyfriend...? Touching... *bursts out laughing* Hey kid, you'd best not get in my way... *frowns*
Amaya: >//////< *spreads fingers a little only letting her eyes be seen* But I'm shy!!!
Me: But sis... *sighs bouncing little Felix then smiles at him* we need to cheer your mama up little guy... *wa;ks over to the Hotel and knocks on your door* Hey... Hazey...?
Lyon: *kissing back but then eyes widen worried seeing Ruby run off* No!!! RUBY WAIT PLEASE!!! *runs after her*
Joshua: O_O; YOU CAN FLY!>? *distracted seeing Mia's wings and crashes into a post* >__< ... X__X ... daaa... daaa... which way did he go George... ? *swaying*
Jordan: *slaps him* SNAP OUT OF IT!!! ^^; We're sorry Miss ^^; we just need to hide from soome vicious looking gang members. Please excuse us!!! *sprints off dragging Joshua by the arm*
Rosa: *frowns* ... My parents were supposedly killed so I didn't grow up with them... we came her to change the past, right? Let's do our best so you won't have to see your dad so upset anymore, ok...? *smiles a little*
Isabel: I see... *frowns* good luck in atoning then... and I'm actually traveling with someone but I can't find him... *bites bottom lip* I'm really worried something might've happened to my partner...
kamatari17 on November 25, 2007, 9:37:02 AM
kamatari17 on

Lloyd: Ok then! HEY ZELOS!!! *waves* (haha ok, I'll be seductive now!!!)
Zelos: OH IT'S MY DARLING LITTLE ANGEL!!! *runs over to Colette with hearts in eyes* How have you been my little angel? <3 *grabs her hands*
Lloyd: T_T... !!!
Eva: *eyes widen and blushes more covering her face shyly* >///////////////< nyaaaaaaaa~!
Me: ... I'm sorry... come on Hazey... please cheer up... why not go and hit Coyote...? It might help you feel better. *hugglz*
Diego: *didn't realize he shoved Lyon and Ruby into a kiss, buys some ice cream and hands a cone to everyone* ^o^ Here you go guys!
Rosa: ... cheer up... please?
Raphael: *takes his cone* ... not bad... *eating happily until he gets bumped into and face gets shoved into ice cream* WHAT THE... !?
Jordan and Joshua: AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! OoO; *running away dodging people, bumping into them, etc* MOVE MOVE MOVE!!!
Isabel: *eyes widen and blushes slightly when Kiba catches her* Th-thank you... look... I'm sorry I got all defensive... and it will be ok really, thank you for your concern though.
Zenshii on November 25, 2007, 5:26:20 AM
Zenshii on
hi it's my 1600th pic^^
i have over 1600 now^^