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Interesting Iscribble RP

Interesting Iscribble RP

Interesting Iscribble RP by TheGameArtCritic
Interesting Iscribble RP by TheGameArtCritic



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Category Comics » - Original Comics » - Pages & panels
Date Submitted
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Vote Score 1
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Media Digital drawing or painting
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TheGameArtCritic on July 15, 2012, 11:21:12 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticLucifer: Imagine yourself killing him in the most painful way possible.

mechadragon13 on July 15, 2012, 11:25:01 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *does so--a sick, pleased grin spreads across her face*

TheGameArtCritic on July 15, 2012, 11:27:21 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticLucifer: Yes, he really does deserve it. You're completely right, Mia.

Deer: *Sees them in the distance and runs away*

Lucifer: Ah! Test your powers on that creature, Mia. It will make good practice.

mechadragon13 on July 15, 2012, 11:30:49 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: ! *chases it, shooting fire at it*

TheGameArtCritic on July 15, 2012, 11:33:51 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticLucifer: *Follows her*

Deer: *Scampers until it's hit with fire and it falls, writhing in pain until it burns to death*

Lucifer: ... That feels good, doesn't it? Not only releasing that power unto your victims, but obeying my commands. Obeying me feels VERY good, doesn't it, Mia?

mechadragon13 on July 15, 2012, 11:44:55 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *with a small sigh, as she watches the poor creature burn* Yes, it does...

TheGameArtCritic on July 15, 2012, 11:48:49 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticLucifer: My orders can relieve all that tension you feel in ways that a man never can. That's why you love to obey me.

mechadragon13 on July 15, 2012, 11:56:28 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: I DO love following you... *grins* You should give me another order...

TheGameArtCritic on July 15, 2012, 11:58:24 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticLucifer: *With a smirk* Very well, Mia. Start a small forest fire. Leave your mark here.

mechadragon13 on July 15, 2012, 12:01:13 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *her grin widening, she tosses a small flame out of her hand into the grass, by a tree, and watches it spread quickly*

TheGameArtCritic on July 15, 2012, 12:03:48 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticLucifer: Yes, good. Very good. Do watch it burn for a while, Mia. What you have created is beautiful.

mechadragon13 on July 15, 2012, 12:12:21 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *watches the flame consume the tree, and spread to the tree next to it... ah, what a wonderful sight*

TheGameArtCritic on July 15, 2012, 12:17:52 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticLucifer: *With an evil grin, he walks up from behind Mia and places a hand on her head from behind* ... Whenever I am to compliment you, you are to orgasm. *He knows of Mia's interest in the sexual area, and he plans on exploiting it as much as possible to keep her mind chained to his will. He lets go of Mia's head*

mechadragon13 on July 15, 2012, 12:24:14 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *nods when he gives the command, already feeling a slight shudder of pleasure*

TheGameArtCritic on July 15, 2012, 12:27:01 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticLucifer: Keep watching the fire, Mia. Let the flames relax you. Such power you have now can be used on Altodd. You could burn him alive if you wanted to.

mechadragon13 on July 15, 2012, 12:35:32 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *smirks at the thought, watching the flames intently as they continue to consume all in their path*

TheGameArtCritic on July 15, 2012, 12:40:13 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticLucifer: Yes, watch the flames, Mia. Very good.

mechadragon13 on July 15, 2012, 12:54:31 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *as per Lucifer's command, she orgasms, groanins loudly, sinking down to her knees as her legs weaken*

TheGameArtCritic on July 15, 2012, 12:55:50 PM

TheGameArtCritic on

TheGameArtCritic on July 15, 2012, 9:29:57 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticAltodd: ... I-It would... Just be BETTER though...

Everyone: *Asleep*

mechadragon13 on July 15, 2012, 9:34:30 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Key: <:( ...

TheGameArtCritic on July 15, 2012, 9:35:57 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticAltodd: ... I-I don't want to go on knowing that a body I USE is being used to do things with someone I don't love...

Everyone: *Asleep*

mechadragon13 on July 15, 2012, 9:44:05 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Key: ...Wasn't it the same for him when you and Shidako were together, though? He didn't love her like you did. <:/

TheGameArtCritic on July 15, 2012, 9:47:22 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticAltodd: ... I... I-I guess not... But... But, I mean, two wrongs don't make a right... Right? D:>

mechadragon13 on July 15, 2012, 9:52:18 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Key: That's the problem... he hasn't done anything wrong by falling for Mia. <:(

TheGameArtCritic on July 15, 2012, 9:54:42 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticAltodd: *He's silent now, and he looks down, away from Key once again* ...

mechadragon13 on July 15, 2012, 10:04:37 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Key: *puts a hand on his shoulder* you need to try and get some sleep. We have a long way to go tomorrow. <:(

TheGameArtCritic on July 15, 2012, 10:05:33 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticAltodd: *He nods a little* ... Okay... But what about you? <:(

mechadragon13 on July 15, 2012, 10:09:52 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Key: I'll be fine, no need to worry about me. I'll just keep watch. <:P

TheGameArtCritic on July 15, 2012, 10:11:18 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticAltodd: ... Alright. *He then tries going to sleep*

mechadragon13 on July 15, 2012, 10:18:32 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Key: *waits for a little while, then goes to sit by Todd again*

TheGameArtCritic on July 15, 2012, 10:21:40 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticAltodd: *Eventually falls asleep*

The Next Morning

Harry: *Waking everyone up* Come on! We have to hurry up! D:

Altodd: *Immediately wakes up* !! *He stands up and brushes himself off, then grabs his sword, quiver, and bow sheathe*

Everyone: *Gets ready*

mechadragon13 on July 15, 2012, 10:31:23 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Everyone: *is ready*

Key: So where would Lucifer be headed first? <:/

TheGameArtCritic on July 15, 2012, 10:56:08 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticHarry: No idea, but he headed that way *points* so we should go that way as well. See where it takes us.

Todd: That actually looks like he might be heading to Life City. D:

Altodd: DX

Sam: I don't think working together as a large group will be a good idea when dealing with Lucifer. <:/

mechadragon13 on July 15, 2012, 11:05:52 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Key: But splitting up would be a bad idea too--what if we get attacked on the way there? Safety in numbers, you know? D;

Sarah: *nods in agreement* <:/

TheGameArtCritic on July 15, 2012, 11:08:20 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticSam: Well, yeah. Alright. <:/

Harry: The kids aren't here. Does that make you happy at least.

Sam: >___>; Yes.

Altodd: ...

*They walk*


Lucifer: *Walks with Mia* If you were to meet up with Altodd again, Mia, what would you do?

mechadragon13 on July 15, 2012, 11:16:23 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *bitterly* ...Kill him. Hurt him. It's what he deserves.

TheGameArtCritic on July 15, 2012, 11:17:05 AM

TheGameArtCritic on

TheGameArtCritic on July 15, 2012, 6:40:50 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticAltodd: ... I-I'm NOT insensitive, I'm just worried about Mia...

Neo: I say let her rot. >:(

Altodd: D8< !!

Neo: Shidako loved us, and you... You just turn around and forget about her... Y-you fall for this girl who ALREADY HAD someone --

Altodd: YOU THINK THAT WAS ON PURPOSE?? JUST -- Just... Just help, okay? Please. PLEASE. NO ONE deserves to be Lucifer's slave... PLEASE help Mia...

Neo: ... ... Fine. But you better remember this later. >:(

Altodd: ... Thank you.

Todd: H'okay...

Altodd: *Is now Neo* ...

Harry: We need to rest for now. It's too dark to see anything. We'll start walking again tomorrow.

mechadragon13 on July 15, 2012, 7:28:42 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Key: <:( ... *sits down somewhere, now completely unable to sleep*

Everyone else: *tries to make themself comfortable*

TheGameArtCritic on July 15, 2012, 7:46:22 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticAltodd: *Doesn't sleep, and is still very angry* ...

Everyone: *Sleeps*

mechadragon13 on July 15, 2012, 7:54:12 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Key: ... *goes to sit by Altodd* ...Hey.

TheGameArtCritic on July 15, 2012, 7:56:40 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticAltodd: *He turns to glare at her, but when he sees it's Key, his expression softens* ... Hey. *He then quickly looks away from her, rubbing the back of his hand for what minor amount of comfort it brings*

Everyone: *Asleep*

mechadragon13 on July 15, 2012, 8:09:22 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Key: you want to talk?

TheGameArtCritic on July 15, 2012, 8:13:05 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticAltodd: ... Not really, no. I just want to be left alone right now, but... You all had to force this on me, I guess.

Everyone: *Asleep*

mechadragon13 on July 15, 2012, 8:21:50 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Key: I'm sorry Altodd, but we have no other choice. I know you're not very fond of Mia, but we can't leave a team member behind, not with Lucifer.

TheGameArtCritic on July 15, 2012, 8:23:53 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticAltodd: *He scowls* He was being disrespectful to Shidako... I know he doesn't care about her as much, but she DIED, and he... He just...

Everyone: *Asleep*

mechadragon13 on July 15, 2012, 8:30:33 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Key: ...He knows how you feel. He's been through the same thing. <:/

TheGameArtCritic on July 15, 2012, 8:31:54 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticAltodd: ... Yeah, well that makes him a HYPOCRITE now doesn't it? >:(

Everyone: *Asleep*

mechadragon13 on July 15, 2012, 8:37:05 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Key: He wasn't being disrespectful on purpose. People say things they don't mean when they get upset--he's just really worried... <:/

TheGameArtCritic on July 15, 2012, 8:55:58 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticAltodd: No, I mean he's a hypocrite for liking Mia after Shidako died. He got really angry when he found out Todd was with you! He got angrier when I was with you! >:(

Everyone: *Asleep*

mechadragon13 on July 15, 2012, 8:58:32 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Key: Yes, that happened, but he moved on. I think you should too, for Shidako's sake. <:/

TheGameArtCritic on July 15, 2012, 9:00:00 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticAltodd: ... It's been a WEEK! A WEEK! Can't I mourn?? D8>

Everyone: *Asleep*

mechadragon13 on July 15, 2012, 9:21:19 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Key: Yes, you can! D: But that doesn't mean you have to yell at him over something neither of you can control. <:/

TheGameArtCritic on July 15, 2012, 9:22:34 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticAltodd: ... Maybe it would be better if Mia was gone...

Everyone: *Asleep*

mechadragon13 on July 15, 2012, 9:28:09 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Key: <:( ... *shakes her head, sighing a bit* Altodd isn't the only one who'd miss her. <:/

TheGameArtCritic on July 15, 2012, 9:29:17 AM

TheGameArtCritic on

TheGameArtCritic on July 14, 2012, 6:46:47 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticLucifer: *He smirks* ... Walter's death is all Altodd's fault.


Altodd: *Groans a little when he starts healing, and his eyes slowly open* ... What...?

Todd: Oh! D:

Harry: <:/

Altodd: *He looks around* What happened...? Where's Mia??

mechadragon13 on July 14, 2012, 6:50:24 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *her eyes narrow slightly, and she slowly nods again*


Key: Uhm... Lucifer took her after she knocked you out. D:>

TheGameArtCritic on July 14, 2012, 6:53:54 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticLucifer: You HATE Altodd, Mia. You want to KILL HIM...


Altodd: Wh-what?? Lucifer TOOK Mia?? Took her WHERE?? And why was I knocked out?? DDDD8>

Everyone: >___>;

mechadragon13 on July 14, 2012, 6:56:16 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *nods again*


Key: *glances around at everyone else, then groans when she sees she's gonna have to be the one to tell him* Okay, so Lucifer took back Todd's powers, then he turned evil, made you a zombie slave, and had you fight Mia. Mia won, turns out Lucifer likes her better, so he took her. D;

TheGameArtCritic on July 14, 2012, 7:02:32 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticLucifer: Good... And remember, following my nice and easy commands feels better than sex. You love obeying me more than anything. Know that I am the greatest master you could ever happily serve. *He then lets go of her head*



Todd: Hey, don't worry, Altodd, we will. D:>

Harry: <:/

Everyone: <:/

mechadragon13 on July 14, 2012, 7:06:50 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *the blankness fades, but is replaced with an anger in her eyes. only when she sees that Altodd isn't near does she relax, but not by much* ...


Key: We just have to think of a PLAN first...

Claire: Altodd, do you think your Umbra would be able to restrain Lucifer?

TheGameArtCritic on July 14, 2012, 7:10:29 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticLucifer: Ah, that reminds me. I'm going to give you a special power, Mia.


Altodd: I-I don't know... I mean, I THINK so, but I can't summon them willingly anymore. D:>

Todd: Whaaaat. DX

Everyone: :/

mechadragon13 on July 15, 2012, 5:01:50 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *perks up* What kind of power?


Key: Wait--WHY? D:>

Everyone: :I

TheGameArtCritic on July 15, 2012, 5:29:28 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticLucifer: The power to wield fire. *He places a hand on her shoulder, handing this power to her, a warmth passing through from him to her* The fires of Hell.


Altodd: ... I don't know. I could do it in my head, but the other-me was the one who could summon them WILLINGLY.

Todd: ... So... If he's not too upset, maybe we can convince him to help? <:/

Harry: He HAS to help.

Everyone: :/

mechadragon13 on July 15, 2012, 5:56:29 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *shudders a bit as the power is passed on to her, a slight smile on her face*


Key: ... Can we talk to him? <:(

Everyone else: ...

TheGameArtCritic on July 15, 2012, 6:00:06 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticLucifer: ... There. *He lets go of her shoulder* Try conjuring a flame in your hand. TELL IT to appear in your mind, and it will.


Altodd: ... I don't think he wants to talk.

Todd: There's not a whole lot of room for choice in this situation, Altodd.

Harry: We need him.

Everyone: ...

mechadragon13 on July 15, 2012, 6:01:54 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *holds up her hand, staring at it for a moment before a flame springs to life in her palm* !


Key: It's the only way we're going to get her back...

TheGameArtCritic on July 15, 2012, 6:06:48 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticLucifer: Good work. Now let's move on. Time to cause havoc in the other cities.


Altodd: D8> ! O-Okay -- A-Alright, I'll try. *He walks over to a tree and sits down against it, concentrating*

Everyone: <:/

mechadragon13 on July 15, 2012, 6:13:13 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *closes her hand, extinguishing the flame, and nods, wearing a wicked smirk*


Everyone: *waits* ...

TheGameArtCritic on July 15, 2012, 6:22:16 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticNeo: Leave me alone!! D8<

Altodd: We need your help -- You can control the umbra! You can help us save Mia! D:>

Neo: I don't want to save Mia! You think I don't know what happened between you two? AND ONLY A LITTLE AFTER THE WEEK THAT SHIDAKO DIED??

Altodd: *He huffs a bit to regain his breath from Neo's yelling* Look, I KNOW you loved Shidako -- I've been through this exact same thing! Please don't just REFUSE to help because -- because of this inability to see PAST --


Todd: *Finds Altodd's conversation with himself extremely odd and unnerving* D: ...

Harry: *Looks away while "they" argue*

Everyone: D:

mechadragon13 on July 15, 2012, 6:24:31 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Key: *wants to intervene, but at the same time, she knows she shouldn't*

Everyone: <_<

TheGameArtCritic on July 15, 2012, 6:34:24 AM

TheGameArtCritic on

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 5:41:03 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticAltodd: *He stumbles and falls onto the forest floor with a grunt, dropping his sword*

Everyone: !

Lucifer: Hm.

mechadragon13 on July 13, 2012, 5:43:33 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: !! *jumps on him, and while she holds him down with one hand, she hits him in the back of his head with the pommel of her sword*

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 5:49:59 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticAltodd: *Grunts again from the sharp pain of the hit, which causes him to black out*

Lucifer: *Applauds* Very impressive, Mia.

Everyone: DDDD8

mechadragon13 on July 13, 2012, 5:53:24 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: !! *stands up, scrambling away from Altodd, pointing her sword at Lucifer, her hands a bit shaky* L-Let everyone go!

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 6:05:50 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticLucifer: Or you'll do what? Kill me? That's not actually possible. *He approaches her* Your skills are impressive. Altodd's taught you quite a bit, yes?

Todd: *Under his breath* ... O-Oh no...

Everyone: DDD8

Altodd: *Unconscious*

mechadragon13 on July 13, 2012, 6:09:02 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *backs away as he draws closer, her false bravado wavering* That's none of your concern...!

Everyone: ....!

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 6:12:41 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticLucifer: It's only a compliment, no need to get worked up over it. *Commanding her* Do come back over to me, Mia.

Everyone: ...!!!!

Altodd: *Unconscious*

mechadragon13 on July 14, 2012, 5:36:43 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: D8 !!! *becomes very afraid when her body steps closer to him without her telling it to*

Everyone: !!!!!!!!

TheGameArtCritic on July 14, 2012, 1:01:34 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticLucifer: I was so impressed with your performance that I've decided to make you my assistant.

Todd: DDDDD8 !!!!

Everyone: *Panicking internally*

Lucifer: *He then quickly places his hand on her head* ... Go into a trance. Follow me.

mechadragon13 on July 14, 2012, 1:16:03 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *barely has any time to panic before she's forced into the trance--she nods at him blankly*

Everyone: DDDDDDD8

TheGameArtCritic on July 14, 2012, 1:19:03 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticLucifer: Don't come out of this trance until I tell you to. *He then walks off with her*

*After an hour, Lucifer lets the others go from a distance*


Harry: Yeah, you think we don't know that now, Todd?? D8>

Everyone: *Panicked*

Altodd: *Unconscious*

mechadragon13 on July 14, 2012, 3:25:16 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *walks along behind Lucifer, blankly staring ahead*


Sarah: Well, we can't just go after him, he'll just stop us like he did before!

Key: So what do we DO?! D8>

TheGameArtCritic on July 14, 2012, 6:27:03 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticLucifer: *He walks with her until they're far enough, then he places his hand on her head again. He knows of Blood Puppet's suicide note from his first invasion of her mind. It makes for a good opportunity to turn all that grief into rage, and toy with Altodd and Mia, knowing them to be potential lovers* ... I am your master and you are to be forever loyal to me.


Harry: For now, we can't do much. Lucifer is immortal -- He has no weaknesses.

Todd: Well we have to do SOMETHING! D8>

Harry: Right now we should focus on freeing Mia. Maybe if we can't KILL Lucifer, we can capture him, somehow.

Everyone: D:

mechadragon13 on July 14, 2012, 6:30:50 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *nods, still staring ahead blankly* Yes, Master.


Key: How do you capture an angel with MIND CONTROL POWERS?

Claire: ... Good question. D;

TheGameArtCritic on July 14, 2012, 6:37:33 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticLucifer: ... Mia, do you care for Altodd? Are you attracted to him? Do you enjoy his company?


Harry: Maybe Altodd can use those Umbra creatures of his?

Todd: He hasn't used them in a while. Are they even still there?

Altodd: *Unconscious*

Everyone: ...

mechadragon13 on July 14, 2012, 6:40:57 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *seems to hesitate a bit before answering* ...Yes.


Key: He used them when Occulta attacked, so he probably DOES...

Claire: Then we'll have to wait until he wakes up. :/

Key: *remembers that Altodd is injured* Oh! *carefully flips Altodd over, then uses her demekarr to heal Altodd's legs*

TheGameArtCritic on July 14, 2012, 6:43:59 PM

TheGameArtCritic on

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 4:03:11 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticAltodd: *He puts a hand over his mouth as he shakes his head* ... Sh-she was really upset... I-I mean, I'd be that upset too... She needs to be a-alone right now.

Todd: ... Are you sure that's a good idea? D:>

Altodd: ... She's not me, Todd...

mechadragon13 on July 13, 2012, 4:08:26 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Key: ...Then we probably SHOULD leave her alone for a while. She'll talk to us when she's ready. <:( You should probably go get some rest too, Altodd...

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 4:09:23 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticAltodd: ... No... I need to tell everyone else...

Todd: <:/

mechadragon13 on July 13, 2012, 4:14:22 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Key: Do you want some help...? <:(

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 4:28:59 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticAltodd: ... I'll be fine on my own...

*A Week Later*

*The group, after thanking Bibentus for his generosity, leave for the other cities to check and see if they're recovering well. They head into the forest and walk until the sun begins to set. This is when Lucifer turns to Todd*

Lucifer: I've given you the week to rest up, but now I must inform you that you can no longer have that power of yours. Technically mine.

Todd: Wait, huh? D:

Lucifer: What you did to Occulta --

Todd: *Winces*

Lucifer: -- Was not good at all. It has shown me that you lack the self control you claimed to have earlier. I must take away that power and never give it to anyone else ever again. Humans can't be trusted. They become corrupted too easily.

Todd: ... You know what? Fine. They were starting to freak me out anyway. <:/

Everyone: D:

mechadragon13 on July 13, 2012, 4:33:54 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Key: D: ...

Everyone: :/ ...

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 4:38:27 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticLucifer: Alright. I need you to hold still.

Todd: *Stands there, wondering if this is entirely right or not*

Lucifer: *Places his hand on Todd's head*

Todd: *His pupils dilate as he becomes lost in Lucifer's influence*

Lucifer: *Keeps his hand there for a minute before letting go* ... It's done.

Todd: *Takes a few seconds to regain awareness, shaking his head then rubbing an eye* ... Okay. Good. *He walks back over to Key*

Lucifer: *Realizes that he's at the peak of his own power again. How fun, he muses to himself in his head*

Everyone: *Finds a place to sleep*

Altodd: *Keeps himself form sitting near Mia, not wanting to disturb her, though he's constantly looking over to make sure she's okay*

mechadragon13 on July 13, 2012, 4:43:36 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *is still not completely over the events of the past week, and frankly, hasn't gotten much sleep over that time period. she's laying on the ground, staring up at the tree branches, trying to rest, and failing miserably, as usual. the guilt still weighed her down*

Claire: *sleeping next to Harry*

Key: ...

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 4:52:43 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticLucifer: *It doesn't take long for him to start thinking of how ridiculous it is for an all-powerful being like him to be wasting his time helping mortals who will die on their own eventually. Why prolong the inevitable, when he can have some fun with them? Lucifer knows he's quite done with this group anyway. He sends a command to everyone* ... No one move.

No One: *Can move*

Todd: !! L-Lucifer...?? Wh-what th-the frack...??

Lucifer: ... Altodd. Come here.

Altodd: !! shoot -- shoot...!! DDD8> *Is forced to walk over to Lucifer* Wh-what are you doing?? DDD8>

Lucifer: Oh, wonderful things. *He then puts his hand on Altodd's head and grins wolfishly when he learns of Mia and Altodd's kiss. They have feelings for each other. Excellent* ... Altodd. I need you to stay in this trance.

Altodd: *Nods slightly, staring blankly*

Harry: ... NO...! DDDD8

Lucifer: Good. Listen to my commands. *He lets go of Altodd's head* ... Kill Mia. *He then releases Mia from his influence, allowing her to move*

Altodd: *Draws his sword, his eyes still completely blank with dilated pupils*

mechadragon13 on July 13, 2012, 4:54:38 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Everyone: !!!!!!!

Mia: !!! *scrambles to her feet, quickly drawing her sword* W-What's going on...!? D8

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 4:58:29 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticHarry: L-Lucifer's b-betrayed us...!

Todd: He's t-taken c-control of Altodd...! Y-you have to f-fight him...!! D8>

Altodd: *Approaches Mia, sword glistening. His grip on it is tight. He's ready to blindly follow Lucifer's one order*

Everyone: DDDD8

mechadragon13 on July 13, 2012, 5:02:35 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: D8 ... *sizes him up, as he's advised her to do before, and she can tell something's off--his stance, the way he holds his blade, it wasn't the same. maybe she actually COULD beat him. she holds her sword at the ready, waiting for him to attack first*

Everyone: DDD8

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 5:05:44 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticAltodd: *He's not in a state to handle a sword correctly, and only relies on his strength. There is no technique when he uses his full force to swing his sword sideways at Mia's head. It's clunky, and would be sad if it wasn't so very lethal and effective as well*

Lucifer: *He only laughs as everyone else looks on in horror*

mechadragon13 on July 13, 2012, 5:10:41 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *ducks, and manages to deflect his sword so it passes harmlessly over her head, though the force of the hit made her entire arm rattle--she wasn't sure she'd be able to take too many more swings like that. she takes a quick swing at his legs while he's open, hoping that she won't have to kill him--just knock him down...*

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 5:15:23 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticAltodd: *He doesn't bother backing up from the swing and the sword cuts his legs. Even through the blankness of his eyes, there is a familiar spark of lust that only pain can trigger and he lets out a small shudder*

Everyone: DDD8

Lucifer: *Still laughing*

mechadragon13 on July 13, 2012, 5:20:26 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *is confused by the odd reaction, but she attributes that to Lucifer's mind-control--she backs away, keeping her sword ready* ...

Everyone: DDD8

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 5:24:30 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticAltodd: *Runs and strikes at her with a downward swing, again incredibly poor in technique, but completely fueled by power*

Everyone: DDDD8

Lucifer: *Grins, watching and amused*

mechadragon13 on July 13, 2012, 5:38:00 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *knows there's no way she can block that without injuring herself--so she simply steps aside. she sticks her foot out as an afterthought; having him stumble would be a great advantage to her*

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 5:40:04 PM

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TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 2:45:29 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticAltodd: *Remembers something* ! M-Mia... Maybe we can find one of those potions from Water City? The ones that could bring people back to life? <:/

Blood Puppet: *Dead*

mechadragon13 on July 13, 2012, 2:47:45 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *between sobs* I-It's too far... a-and... *crumples the note in her hand, self-loathing growing ever stronger* and I don't think h-he wants to come back...

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 2:51:24 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticAltodd: D:> ... Wh-why did... Why did he even...? He was FINE... Why did he go out here to kill himself...??

Blood Puppet: *Dead*

mechadragon13 on July 13, 2012, 2:57:45 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *crushing guilt leaves her beyond words, and she stands up, crumpled note still held in her hands, and walks away, sobbing again. she couldn't stay there. she couldn't keep looking at him and the sadness forever frozen into his expression. she couldn't.*

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 3:01:49 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticAltodd: D:> ! *He follows her, leaving Blood Puppet's body, quite possibly forever. He'll have to tell everyone about Blood Puppet's suicide -- He knows Mia won't be able to do it*

mechadragon13 on July 13, 2012, 3:04:56 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *walks, wordlessly, managing to control her sobbing by the time they reach the tower. she keeps that note clutched in her hands--she'll have to be rid of it later. no one else can know*

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 3:07:53 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticAltodd: *He walks beside her and puts a hand on her shoulder, knowing she needs comfort. Once they get back to the tower, he knows he should leave her alone for a while. Give her time to think and recover from what's happened*

*They reach the city*

mechadragon13 on July 13, 2012, 3:15:08 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *is very quiet by the time they enter the tower, though the tears still flow. she walks up to her room (which she would no longer share), and gives Altodd a tiny nod. she had to be alone now.*

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 3:16:21 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticAltodd: *He gives her a look of understanding, giving her shoulder a little squeeze before walking off to Key and Todd's room. May as well start with them*

mechadragon13 on July 13, 2012, 3:30:47 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *enters her room, locks the door behind her, and sits down on her bed, reading that note over and over and over... and eventually just tearing it to pieces when the tears come back. she watches the bits of paper slowly flutter to the ground for a moment, then the sobs return--so she just curls up in her bed, and lets herself sob*


Key: *is cuddled up to Todd in their own bed*

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 3:42:48 PM

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TheGameArtCriticTodd: *Lies there with Key, slowly rubbing her back, enjoying their time of peace and quiet*

Altodd: *Knocks on their door*

Todd: ? :/ *He gets up to get it* Altodd? D:/

Altodd: ... Blood Puppet killed himself.

Todd: WHAT?? D8>

mechadragon13 on July 13, 2012, 3:45:36 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Key: !??! *gets out of bed and joins the others at the door* W-WHY?! D8

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 3:48:46 PM

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TheGameArtCriticAltodd: *Quietly* ... I don't know...

Todd: D:> ...

mechadragon13 on July 13, 2012, 3:50:14 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Key: *is a bit afraid to ask, but--* ...How did you... find out? D:>

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 3:55:22 PM

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TheGameArtCriticAltodd: *He's shaking a little* ... M-Mia and I were out in the forest. We were heading back when we found his body. He ran himself through with his k-katana... He was stuck on a tree.

TOdd: Oh god... D8>

mechadragon13 on July 13, 2012, 4:01:02 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Key: D8 ...I-Is MIA okay...??

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 4:01:34 PM

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TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 11:56:11 AM

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TheGameArtCriticAltodd: *He doesn't really think too much when he kisses Mia back. He ignores the screaming and howling in his head. It's just the two of them now. No one else. He slowly lowers his sword, relaxing his arm*

Blood Puppet: *He sees this. His first thought is to kill Altodd. Kill him right then and there and this problem might get solved. But then he thinks of Mia. How he would be stealing her happiness. Happiness she NEEDS. Happiness that Blood Puppet knows he can no longer give to her. Behind his mask, his throat tightens and tears begin to run down his cheeks. He was asleep this whole time, and that kiss was the slap in the face he needed to wake up. Now he knows what must be done. Blood Puppet runs off, runs back, closer to the city, but remains inside the forest. Away from them. The creators give him paper and a pen. Blood Puppet - Walter Hobbes - writes a note to Mia before stabbing it, himself, and a tree. It takes a few painful minutes for him to die, and by that time, his mask and hat falls off to reveal his tear-stained face*

mechadragon13 on July 13, 2012, 12:33:02 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *lowers her blade as well, letting it drop to the ground with a thump as she moves a hand up to his face, kissing him slowly*

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 12:35:40 PM

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TheGameArtCriticAltodd: *He kisses Mia for a little while longer. Tears start to form, and soon they roll down his cheeks*

mechadragon13 on July 13, 2012, 12:42:54 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *feels the tears on her fingers, and pulls away. only then does she realize what just happened--what she just did--and she wants to hit herself* !! Are you okay?? D:>

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 12:47:00 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticAltodd: *He quickly wipes his tears when he realizes he's crying in front of Mia. He speaks softly, his voice a bit broken* I-I-I... I-I just... No... I guess I'm not... *He looks away from her, not wanting to see her face as he speaks* ... I can't... Do this. WE can't do this... Y-you have Blood Puppet, and... And I have... *Realizes his mistake and corrects himself* had... Sam. I-I'm sorry.

mechadragon13 on July 13, 2012, 12:57:27 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *steps back, away from him* No-no no no, this is my fault, I'm sorry...

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 12:59:47 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticAltodd: I think both of us were at fault here... I-I kissed you back. I... I think maybe we should just go back to the tower. M-Maybe never talk about this again.

mechadragon13 on July 13, 2012, 1:10:58 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *nods* R-Right. Good plan. *picks up her sheathed sword, and starts walking back, attaching the sheath to her belt as she walks*

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 1:13:31 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticAltodd: *He's not angry at Mia over what happened, but he's upset with himself. He likes her. He KNOWS he likes her. But Mia's already in a relationship, and Altodd can't get over Sam. He hasn't since she first died and it's effected how he thinks ever since*

mechadragon13 on July 13, 2012, 1:23:52 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *sees something glint in the forest as they walk* ...? Hang on... I need to check something out real quick. *goes towards the glint--and immediately regrets it. a horrified cry escapes her lips, and she backpedals until she's pressed back against a tree, staring in terror at Blood Puppet's impaled body*

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 1:25:18 PM

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TheGameArtCriticAltodd: *Hears Mia's scream and runs after her* Mia?? What's wrong?? D8>

Blood Puppet: *Dead, his note stained red with blood*

mechadragon13 on July 13, 2012, 1:31:40 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *can only gawk in complete horror and fear, both hands over her mouth and tears already leaking from her eyes. she can't bring herself to speak*

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 1:33:57 PM

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TheGameArtCriticAltodd: *Reaches her* Mia, what's -- *He then sees the body* OH GOD!! D8>

mechadragon13 on July 13, 2012, 1:47:10 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *slowly approaches the body, still gawking, still crying, hurt by the pain in his face--it's then that she notices the note attached to the sword. she reaches for it, hands shaking, and carefully rips the top to pull it out. she drops to her knees in front of him, her hand still on his chest, right below the blade, and reads the note*

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 1:58:30 PM

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TheGameArtCriticNote: "Mia --

I now know how you feel about Altodd. I've seen you two kiss. I know now that I can never be what I once was, and I was a fool for thinking I could revive what we once had. In short, I'm no good for you anymore. You were all I had, though. You were everything to me, my entire world. Perhaps more than even that... And it hurts me to write this. It hurts me to know that you're better off with Altodd. Perhaps he can be what I could not. Don't let my death ruin what you now have with him. Please.

I love you,


Altodd: *Looks away from Blood Puppet's body, no longer able to handle the gruesome sight* D8>

mechadragon13 on July 13, 2012, 2:07:01 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *has to blink away tears as she reads--she's sobbing by the time she finishes. this was her fault. Walt was dead because of her, and now she had to live with that knowledge. She wished she hadn't found the note. She wished he hadn't left a note at all. She wished she hadn't kissed Altodd--but no, all the wishing in the world couldn't make Walter come back. He was gone. Forever. and it was her fault*

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 2:44:27 PM

TheGameArtCritic on

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 4:38:53 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticAltodd: ... Yeah, well... That's why I'm gonna do this *takes his sword out of his sheathe slightly* with you. You get some practice and I can take my mind off of what's been going on. Two birds, one stone.

mechadragon13 on July 13, 2012, 4:40:15 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *nods* Good plan. think we can spar with actual swords this time, or should we stick to the sheathes? <:P

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 4:44:32 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticAltodd: I say we use both at the same time, if you can. The extra weight will make swinging your sword seem easier.

*They walk until they enter the forest*

Altodd: Alright, ready?

mechadragon13 on July 13, 2012, 4:46:33 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *unbuckles the sword and sheath from her belt, and holds it up* Yep.

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 4:51:21 AM

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TheGameArtCriticAltodd: Alright, be careful, though. Since it weighs so much, it can still hurt if you or I get hit with it. *He attacks Mia*

mechadragon13 on July 13, 2012, 4:54:26 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *defends herself, deflecting his blade and stepping around him*

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 4:57:20 AM

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TheGameArtCriticAltodd: *Attempts to swing his sword around at her*

mechadragon13 on July 13, 2012, 4:59:17 AM

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mechadragon13Mia: *easily blocks it, as she had time to see it coming, then stabs at him*

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 5:10:19 AM

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TheGameArtCriticAltodd: *Twirls around to avoid the stabbing and tries "slashing" at her with help from the momentum he gained*

mechadragon13 on July 13, 2012, 5:13:27 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: !!! *barely manages to step back and dodge it, the tip of the sheathed sword inches from her torso. she backs away a few steps to catch her breath, her own sword still held up* ...

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 5:17:42 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticAltodd: *Also steps back. He grins at her a little, in an almost playful manner. Like a puppy*

mechadragon13 on July 13, 2012, 6:17:07 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *grins back, though hers had a hint of mischief behind it. she suddenly lashes out at, swinging up at him*

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 11:07:11 AM

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TheGameArtCriticAltodd: !! *He backs up to avoid getting hit, unknowingly stepping near a tree and giving himself nowhere to run*

mechadragon13 on July 13, 2012, 11:22:54 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *smirks when she sees she's cornered him--she swings downwards at him*

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 11:24:46 AM

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TheGameArtCriticAltodd: *He tries backing up again, but hits his back against the tree behind him. Altodd has no choice but to swing his sword upward to stop the attack, forcing both his and Mia's arms into the air*

mechadragon13 on July 13, 2012, 11:34:51 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: --! *had expected to be deflected off to the side--she stands there, a bit taken aback, panting, her face an inch away from his*

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 11:39:23 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticAltodd: *He's also panting a little, staring into Mia's eyes. Hazel eyes of the grey color, but with hints of different colors poking through. They look beautiful, especially against the small beams of light that managed to poke through the thick forest*

mechadragon13 on July 13, 2012, 11:43:11 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *finds herself staring back, convinced that the deep blue of Altodd's eyes were the most beautiful thing she's ever seen--without thinking, without hesitation, she leans in, and kisses him*

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 11:46:00 AM

TheGameArtCritic on

TheGameArtCritic on July 11, 2012, 3:36:42 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticAltodd: ... I'll find a way, strapped down or not. It's the least I can do for being weak and not stopping that dragon when I could. DB<

Todd: Wuh? D:/

mechadragon13 on July 11, 2012, 3:39:38 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Key: ! Altodd, killing yourself won't fix anything! It'll only cause more grief...

TheGameArtCritic on July 11, 2012, 5:11:07 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticAltodd: *Hissing at her angrily* There's NOTHING FOR ME TO LIVE FOR.

Todd: That's not true, Altodd! D8>

mechadragon13 on July 11, 2012, 6:49:20 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Key: Shidako didn't give up her life for you just so you could take it yourself, Altodd! If you kill yourself, that would make her sacrifice mean nothing!

TheGameArtCritic on July 12, 2012, 2:58:59 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticAltodd: No... No, it would mean we can be together again... There's an afterlife here, right? I mean... There's zombies and ghosts and skeletons, so SURELY there's an afterlife...

Todd: No -- You need to live for her, Altodd. There isn't an easy way out like that. D:>

Alotdd: HOW DO YOU KNOW?? D8<


Altodd: D: ...

mechadragon13 on July 12, 2012, 12:55:08 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Key: *is shocked into silence by the outburst. she looks at Altodd--if the point hadn't been drilled into his head already, it sure as hell was now*

TheGameArtCritic on July 12, 2012, 2:03:29 PM

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TheGameArtCriticAltodd: ... ... *He quickly leaves the room*

Todd: Altodd! ALTODD!! D8<


Altodd: *Walks down the hall, confused by his own feelings. Todd's words have further jumbled his mind. He's lost*

mechadragon13 on July 12, 2012, 3:52:13 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Key: Noshhhstop. Yelling won't help right now, I think he got your point. D; *goes out to the door and watches him go down the hall, speaking under her breath* Pleeease don't do something you'll regret...


Mia: *wanders around the tower. She had already stopped to replace her old clothes with something that was a bit more suited for running around and fighting, and was just exploring*

TheGameArtCritic on July 12, 2012, 3:55:02 PM

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TheGameArtCriticTodd: <:/ ...


Altodd: *Walks around. His personality switches, but he doesn't go back to his room. No point in doing so. Instead, he manages to find Mia* Oh -- Hey. <:/

mechadragon13 on July 12, 2012, 4:02:56 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: Oh! Hey! *glances around* Where'd Sarah go? Are you okay? <:(

TheGameArtCritic on July 12, 2012, 4:04:33 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticAltodd: I, um... I've been better. I'm not dead, though, so that's good. Thanks again for last night. <:(

mechadragon13 on July 12, 2012, 4:06:01 PM

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mechadragon13Mia: Hey, anytime... I'm just glad I was there. <:(

TheGameArtCritic on July 12, 2012, 4:09:55 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticAltodd: I'm... Glad you were there too. Obviously. <:) Um, if you're not doing anything, would you like to practice sword fighting in the forest? We can't do that anywhere here, because we might break something or someone.

mechadragon13 on July 12, 2012, 4:20:25 PM

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mechadragon13Mia: I'd love to. I could really use the practice anyway. ^^;

TheGameArtCritic on July 12, 2012, 6:53:06 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticAltodd: Oh! Okay, uh, great! I guess we should go then! <:P *He heads out with Mia*

Blood Puppet: *When he peeks out of his and Mia's room and sees this, he gets suspicious. Mia seems to care a lot about Altodd. More than on a comfortable level. And Altodd has been known for his crimes. What if he does something horrible to Mia? Blood Puppet, not wanting to get caught, decides to wait for a bit before following them*

mechadragon13 on July 13, 2012, 4:24:27 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: *doesn't notice Blood Puppet during their walk. she tries to start a conversation on the way there* ...So... did you at least manage to get some sleep last night?

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 4:32:30 AM

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TheGameArtCriticAltodd: ... Yeah, some. It was, er... A little hard to sleep, but I think that's how it's supposed to be when something like that happens. <:/

Blood Puppet: *Stays far away from them, making sure to keep himself hidden*

mechadragon13 on July 13, 2012, 4:33:54 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Mia: I guess so. It takes time to move on from something like that. <:(

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2012, 4:37:22 AM

TheGameArtCritic on