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Displaying 2551-2575 of 7802 results.
lost to someone you love
was heart broken
my bf broke up with me
after 3 months
because i was too shy and didnt dance with him
The titans meet the lyoko gang
If You Are a Trainer In the Tono Region, This Story Sort of Gives you an insight to The History Of the Tono Region and Their Champ's!

Don't Know what the Tono Region is? Check out this Link
A very sad story. Four teens must find the power that is sleeping in said of them. To save all they love.
picture of the past for a friend
a poem with e meaning
This is a mini-story I wrote for an OC of mine for Zelda: The Wind Waker.
Anyways this Fan-fic is 1 story with each of my favorite couples' point of veiw. If you don't like one of these couples plz veiw the chapter of the couple you like...
Hope you guys like it. There is a description of a glimmer man in the second chapter.
My pokemon character. She has emerald eyes, short fire red hair, 13, wears jeans, and long sleeve shirt with white sleeves, and blue main part. She lives in Blackthorn City Johto. (I know it seems kinda short...I'll work on that...)
For those who would like to join Team Rocket. ^^
Find out if you would be accepted...or not!!!! ^^
A requested story from Jordanthehedgehog of how me and him found Masheedramon and Leopardmon and stuff. Ps, I will not be adding OC's to this story but If you have a Digimon OC then ask to be in my other story Digimon Destiny!
Ok now I'm being downright honest about the Wii.
  It's also posted on under stfoosa. Cause that's my account on that.
  Jack and Jack's thoughts at the end belong to Hybrid_Sunshine whose picture inspired this fic.
We are trying to bann a HORRIBLE girl from DA.

I'm not sure if it's against the rules to do it sorry if I broke one of the rules ^_^;

This is a story of Abi when she turns 16, and becomes a Pokémon Ranger!
i had to write a poem for school and this is what I came up with. hope u like it
this is a peom i wrote for a contest thingy i don't know if i did well in it or not but i thought it would be fun to put one my peoms in here.hope u like it, comments r cool 2
*shrugs* plz comment
Yes w/ me you FOOL! Kind-a short...
this is a story about how Sandra (the girl in Harvest Moon Magical Melody you always play as) discoveres that Sunny Lake is haunted. If you like the Mayor of Flower Bud village then i do NOT recommend you read this story, you'll see why if you read this.
Make fun of animes. Make fun of songs. Make fun of both!!!!!!! XD
Note: I don't mean to offend anybody with the lyrics.